House Committee Memo on DME Competitive Bidding Program Ignores Transparency and Small Business Concerns
In preparation for the House Subcommittee on Health hearing on “Medicare’s Competitive Bidding Program for Durable Medical Equipment: Implications for Quality, Cost and Access,” committee staff prepared a background memorandum. The memo provided background information on DME and Medicare, discussed old concerns on integrity in the DMEPOS program, reviewed the history of the DME competitive bidding demonstration program and the Round 1 Bidding and provided some information about the Round 1 Re-bid results.
The staff memo did not discuss the Round 1 Rebid transparency failings that resulted in a lawsuit against the program. Also ignored in the memo was the deep concern and fear among Medicare beneficiaries and equipment and service providers that competitive bidding will decimate the ranks of trusted home medical equipment suppliers.
The memo may be found at http://energycommerce.house.gov/documents/20100913/Health.2010.9.13.pdf.
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