• Senator Lugar Sends Letter to Senate Finance Committee Regarding Medicare Bidding Program

    From: VGM

    The following is from the Association of Indiana Home Medical Equipment Services (AIHMES). VGM would like to thank both George Kucka (Fairmeadows Home Health Center) and Wayne Knewasser (Premier Home Care) for their work with Senator Lugar’s office to educate both the Senator and his staff on the issues and problems that providers and Medicare beneficiaries are facing with the flawed bidding program. Both Kucka and Knewasser are VGM and AIHMES members.  

    Today, Senator Dick Lugar sent a letter to the Senate Finance Committee leadership – Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-UT) – sharing his concerns about the Medicare bidding program and requesting a review of the Market Pricing Program (MPP) as an alternative put forth by HME stakeholders and auction experts. 

    Senator Lugar is asking for an investigation of the contradictory claims between CMS and the HME community that Round 1 of the program is successful and sustainable.  He also supports the effort of “seeking a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score of this industry-developed alternative” which is the urgent “ask” today in order to proceed with a legislative fix.

    Click here to view the letter.

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