• “What are you trying to do, take the very air I breathe? … Just put us out in the street and shoot us. That’s the only next thing you can do.””

    From CRE’s DME Hotline: 1-800-613-7678 (Oxford, MS)

    “I think our healthcare benefits are regulated by the government, enough as it already is. I worked 50 years for the benefits I have now. They are regulated enough, the government just about runs my life as it is. I don’t get what I worked for already. I think this is just about as much dictatorship as I need. You’ve taken everything I’ve worked for all of my life. What are you trying to do, kill me? I think you’ve taken enough of what I already have. Don’t take anymore. You’ve regulated my life down to where I could barely live as it is. I’m 71 years old. You’ve taken everything I’ve worked for all of my life. What are you trying to do, take the very air I breathe? I have diabetes, I have a bone disease, I have a health problem, I’m on oxygen, I’m on insulin. My God, the next thing you take away from me is going to take my life. Alright go ahead and take my life. Take every other elderly person’s life. Just put us out in the street and shoot us. That’s the only next thing you can do.”

    Listen to complete call

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