• CMS: Get Ready for DMEPOS Competitive Bidding

    Editor’s Note: In the following release from CMS, the agency states that their contractor “is the official information source for bidders” and encourages industry members to “stay informed” by obtaining information from the contractor.  CRE encourages industry members to stay informed by reading and posting on the Competitive Bidding Interactive Public Docket, by reading the trade press, and by following and participating in the activities of industry and patient advocates working to protect beneficiaries from the evolving impacts of CMS’ not-so-competitive bidding program.

    From: CMS/Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC)

    The Medicare Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Competitive Bidding Program Round 1 Recompete is coming soon!!

    Summer 2012

    > CMS announces bidding schedule
    > CMS begins bidder education program
    > Bidder registration period to obtain user ID and password begins

    Fall 2012

    > Bidding begins

    If you are a supplier interested in bidding, prepare now – don’t wait!



    • UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION: The following contact information in your enrollment file at the National Supplier Clearinghouse (NSC) must be up-to-date before you register to bid. If your file is not current, you may experience delays and/or be unable to register and bid. If you want to bid, you will need to register even if you registered for a previous round. DMEPOS suppliers should review and update:
      • The name, Social Security number, and date of birth for all authorized official(s) (if you have only one authorized official listed on your enrollment file, consider adding one or more authorized officials to help with registration and bidding); and
      • The correspondence address.

    DMEPOS suppliers can update their enrollment file via the internet-based Provider Enrollment, Chain
    and Ownership System (PECOS) or by using the 7/11/2011 version of the CMS-855S enrollment
    form. Suppliers not currently using PECOS can learn more about this system by accessing the
    PECOS website or reviewing the PECOS fact sheet. Information and instructions on how to submit
    a change of information via the hardcopy CMS-855S enrollment form may be found on the
    NSC website and by following this path: Supplier Enrollment/Change of Information/Change of
    Information Guide.

    • GET LICENSED: Contracts are only awarded to suppliers that have all required state licenses at the time of bidding. Therefore, if you are bidding for a product category in a competitive bidding area (CBA), you must ensure that all required state licenses for that product category are either on file with the NSC or RECEIVED by the NSC by the close of bidding. Every location must be licensed in each state in which it provides services. If you have only one location and are bidding in a CBA that includes more than one state, you must have all required licenses for every state in that CBA. If you have more than one location and are bidding in a CBA that includes more than one state, your company must have all required licenses for the product category for every state in that CBA. Make sure that current versions of all required licenses are with the NSC BEFORE you bid. If any required licenses are expired or missing from your enrollment file, your bid(s) may be rejected.
    • GET ACCREDITED: Suppliers must be accredited for all items in a product category in order to submit a bid for that product category. If you are interested in bidding for a product category and are not currently accredited for that product category, take action NOW to get accredited for that product category. Your accreditation organization will need to report any accreditation updates to the NSC. CMS cannot contract with suppliers that are not accredited for all items in the product category.

    More information about the DMEPOS accreditation requirements may be found on the CMS website.

    The Competitive Bidding Implementation Contractor (CBIC) is the official information source for bidders. Stay informed – visit the CBIC website to subscribe to e-mail updates and for the latest information about the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program.

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