• Bidding Timeline for the Round 1 Recompete

    From: CMS

    8/16/2012 The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announces bidding timeline, begins bidder education program

    8/20/2012* Registration for user IDs and passwords begins

    9/7/2012* Authorized Officials are strongly encouraged to register no later than this date

    9/28/2012* Backup Authorized Officials are strongly encouraged to register no later than this date

    10/15/2012* CMS opens 60-day bid window for Round 1 Recompete

    10/19/2012* Registration closes

    11/14/2012* Covered document review date for bidders to submit financial documents

    12/14/2012* 60-day bid window closes

    Spring 2013* CMS announces single payment amounts, begins contracting process

    Fall 2013* CMS announces contract suppliers, begins contract supplier education campaign.

    Fall 2013* CMS begins supplier, referral agent, and beneficiary education campaign

    January 1, 2014* Implementation of Round 1 Recompete contracts and prices

    * Dates listed are target dates. Actual dates will be announced through listserv notice. Keep informed – click here to sign up to receive important updates regarding the DMEPOS Competitive Bidding Program.

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