• Sen. Durbin Supports Expansion of Competitive Bidding

    Editor’s Note: CRE has long warned that federal officials seek to expand competitive bidding.

    From: Roll Call

    Durbin: ‘Put Everything on the Table’

    Sen. Richard J. Durbin on Tuesday laid out his “progressive” vision for deficit reduction, pegged largely to ideas generated by a 2010 bipartisan deficit reduction commission, and he said negotiators likely will target $4 trillion in total savings as part of a deal to avert the fiscal cliff.

    Durbin — a member of the president’s commission on deficit reduction as well as the bipartisan “gang of six” — expressed optimism that lawmakers could come to a deal. But the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate said that a debt limit increase would have to be part of any agreement.

  • CRE Letter to the National Coalition on Health Care

    Editor’s Note:  CRE’s letter to the National Coalition on Health Care (NCHC) regarding their ill-conceived support for CMS’ competitive bidding program is attached here.

    CRE will publish, verbatim, any response from NCHC in this space.

    Below is the text of the letter to John Rother, President and CEO of the National Coalition on Health Care:

    Re:      NCHC’s Support for Non-Competitive Bidding for Durable Medical Equipment

    Dear Mr. Rother:

  • Appeals court sides with CMS contractor

    From: HME News

    by: Leif Kothe

    PHILADELPHIA – The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has rebuffed a former HME provider who fought an audit and won, then filed a $10 million lawsuit against the CMS contractor that conducted the audit.

    Dominic Rotella, the owner of Nichole Medical Equipment, which was improperly audited by TriCenturion and subsequently went out of business, says the outcome of the case threatens not only the HME industry, but any industry that contracts with CMS.

  • The End of Customer Service- Robert’s Story of The Medicare Competitive Bidding Program

    From: People for Quality Care


  • Center for American Progress Embraces Program Facing a “Near Certainty of Failure;” Offers Ray of Reasonableness

    Editor’s Note: The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness stated that HHS was likely to “vastly expand” Medcare’s competive bidding to other types of medical equipment and services as explained here.  Now major organizations, in deeply misguided if well intentioned efforts to save money, are supporting an expansion of competitive bidding.  As previous noted, The National Coalition for Health Care is supporting an expansion of the program over 240 academicians called the antithesis of science.

    More recently, the Center for American Progress has released its “Senior Protection Plan” (attached here) which states that the federal government should:

  • National Coalition for Health Care Calls for Expanded DME Competitive Bidding, Cuts in Medicaid Payments

    Editor’s Note:  The National Coalition for Health Care (NCHC) has released a fiscal plan calling for a series of tax increases and spending cuts to reduce the deficit and limit raising health care spending.  The recommendations include two proposals which would further harm the DME industry, as discussed below.  NCHC’s member organizations are listed here.  The NCHC plan, “Curbing Costs, Improving Care: The Path to an Affordable Health Care Future” is attached here.

    CRE is in the process of informing NCHC that their support of competitive bidding will result in less competition and higher prices because the alleged competitive bidding program is arbitary and opposed by academic experts in competitive bidding systems.

  • NCPA commends Congress leaders for urging CMS to maintain diabetes delivery for independents

    From: Drug Store News

    By Michael Johnsen

    ALEXANDRIA, Va. — The National Community Pharmacists Association on Wednesday commended seven U.S. Representatives for recently writing the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to urge the agency to allow independent community pharmacists to continue same-day home delivery of diabetes test supplies to certain Medicare beneficiaries.

    Under current policy scheduled to take effect July 2013, many community pharmacists would effectively be prohibited from delivering these essential medical products to patients who are homebound, or in assisted living communities. The ban on deliveries is a provision included in CMS’ competitive bidding policy for diabetes test supplies.

  • HME providers rally around Sandy victims

    From: HME News

    ‘They had nothing but the clothes on their backs’

    by: Leif Kothe

    YARMOUTH, Maine – With the eastern seaboard reeling in the aftermath of Sandy, several HME providers have made concerted efforts to assist those devastated by the hurricane.

    When William Korslin, CEO of Naperville, Ill.-based Centrad Healthcare, learned that one of his employees, Miguel Paredes, was among those adversely affected by the storm, his company undertook relief efforts.

    Paredes, a distribution manager at the company’s Long Island facility, along with his family, lost their home and most of their belongings in the fire that consumed nearly 100 homes in the Breezy Point neighborhood in Queens.

  • CMS Issues DME Face-to-Face Encounter Final Rule, Asks for Comments

    Editor’s Note:  The 1,362 page advance copy of the CMS Final Rule with comment period, “Medicare Program; Revisions to Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule, DME Face-to-Face Encounters, Elimination of the Requirement for Termination of Non-Random Prepayment Complex Medical Review and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2013” is attached here.  CMS notes that they waived the proposed rule stage of the rulemaking.

    With respect to DME, the rule states that it “implements provisions of the Affordable Care Act by establishing a face-to-face encounter as a condition of payment for certain durable medical equipment (DME) items.”

  • “I’m 83 years old and I don’t have time to run around chasing over things when you have somebody you trust, somebody you care about and cares about you, providing you with equipment.”

    From: CRE’s DME Hotline: 1-800-613-7678 (Grand Rapids, MI)

    This is in regards to the change in the home medical equipment law that came into effect, recently. I’m 83 years old and I don’t have time to run around chasing over things when you have somebody you trust, somebody you care about and cares about you, providing you with equipment. And, now, I’m looking at the possibility of doing business with somebody I never heard of, have no association with and if you can do anything, thank you.

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