• VGM Asks That You Report Any HME Businesses that Have Closed In and Outside of Round 1 of Competitive Bidding!

    From: VGM

    At yesterday’s Ways and Means Health Subcommittee hearing, Congressman Pat Tiberi (R-Ohio) asked for a list of HME companies in Round One areas that have gone “out of business.” The industry is compiling the list, and VGM asks that our members help by providing information.

    Please send us an email with the names of any companies that you believe may have:

    1. Gone out of business in R 1

    2. Sold business in R1

    3. Gone out of business outside R1

    4. Sold business outside R1

    (include the town and state in which they were located)


    We need to hear from you by Friday, May 18. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Jamie Blomme (Jamie.blomme@vgm.com) or Brittany Terrell (Brittany.terrell@vgm.com) at 800-642-6065.


    Continue to Contact Your Members of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee

    It is important for providers and beneficiaries to follow up with their representatives on the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee to continue to ask questions about competitive bidding and beneficiary access to quality care and equipment.

    (A list of the Ways and Means Health Subcommittee members is below.)


    VGM encourages all providers to contact their representatives, as well as to bring forth their patients who have had access issues because of competitive bidding. Providers are asked to reach out to People for Quality Care who may assist with making videos of their patients so that their stories can be heard by members of Congress. Visit People For Quality Care’s Youtube Channel to view videos of patients sharing their stories.


    Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health

    **NOTE: Each member of the Health Subcommittee represents a district that falls in Round 2 of the competitive bidding program.

    Wally Herger, CA, Chairman

    Sam Johnson, TX

    Paul Ryan, WI

    Devin Nunes, CA

    Dave Reichert, WA

    Peter Roskam, IL

    Jim Gerlach, PA

    Tom Price, GA

    Vern Buchanan, FL

    Fortney Pete Stark, CA Ranking   Member
    Mike Thompson, CA
    Ron Kind, WI
    Earl Blumenauer, OR
    Bill Pascrell, Jr., NJ

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