• Competitive bidding to impact our local area (Your view)

    From: AL.com

    By Letters from our readers

    I am a provider of home medical equipment who has served this community for a number of years. We provide quality care and services to people requiring medically necessary equipment like home oxygen or wheelchairs. Caring for an aging family member in his own home is the most cost-effective and patient-preferred way of caring for the elderly. Yet The Center for Medicare Services (CMS) continues to slash the components that make quality homecare possible.

     The Medicare competitive bidding program for durable medical equipment encourages low-ball bidding that has left seniors without quality medical equipment and local service. Seniors impacted by this program are frustrated that bid-winning providers are located across the country and are limited to the level of equipment that is covered by Medicare under the new rules. What is worst of all is that Medicare refuses to acknowledge these street-level problems. Long delays to receive equipment, poor service and low- quality equipment are now a norm for equipment users. Washington bureaucrats are now making these important choices for you: what provider to see, what medical equipment is best for your condition and from what state you will receive care.

    I bring this up because next summer this program will impact our local community. In 2011, this bidding program was implemented in nine areas. Next summer, it will be implemented here. If you or a loved one relies on home medical equipment, it’s time to stand up for your right to quality care. Speak out to Congress about the Medicare competitive bidding program.

    Donald Jones

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