Monthly Archives: January 2012

Mass. man in court on RI cigarette smuggling case


PROVIDENCE, R.I.—A Massachusetts man accused of participating in a contraband cigarette ring that cost Rhode Island an estimated $5.7 million in tax revenue is due to face a federal judge.

An arraignment is set for Tuesday afternoon in U.S. District Court in Providence for Mohamad Mohamad of Cambridge.

Court records show Mohamad signed a plea agreement last week and agreed to admit to bringing more than 10,000 contraband cigarettes into Rhode Island.

The plea agreement says when Mohamad was arrested on Nov. 8, 2011, he had nearly three million cigarettes worth more than $500,000 in Rhode Island cigarette taxes.

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BBC: ‘Toxic’ risk of counterfeit cigarettes sold in Sussex

From: BBC

Counterfeit cigarettes being sold in Sussex contain abnormally high levels of cancer-causing chemicals, a BBC investigation has revealed.

BBC South East Today found some brands had eight times as much lead as normal cigarettes.

Hastings MP Amber Rudd said many people were not aware of the dangers posed by brands smuggled into the country.

A pro-smoking lobby group said the high level of taxation on legal cigarettes was driving the illegal trade

The tests follow a BBC investigation in October into the illegal cigarette trade in Hastings and St Leonards.

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Alleged cigarette smugglers indicted in Charlotte

From: Charlotte Observer

11 men face conspiracy charges; some accused of money laundering.

By Gary L. Wright

Eleven men have been indicted in Charlotte and accused of conspiring to pay more than $7.5 million in cash for over 400,000 cartons of cigarettes they believed had been stolen.
Some of the suspects also are accused of laundering money through legitimate businesses they owned or controlled.

The men are charged with conspiring to receive and transport across North Carolina and South Carolina Marlboro cigarettes they thought had been stolen in Virginia and Tennessee.

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Fears illegal cigs get children hooked on smoking

From: St Helens Star (UK)

FEARS children are being harmed by smoking illegal tobacco will lead to trading standards officers targeting pubs and workplaces in a major crackdown on illicit cigarette suppliers.

Figures released last summer from Revenue and Customs suggest 17.5 per cent of tobacco in circulation across St Helens is illegal, putting the town at the top of a regional hall of shame.

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Detective Kyron Collins fired after guilty plea in cigarette smuggling robbery

From:  New York Daily News

A veteran detective was fired Tuesday after pleading guilty to ripping off cigarette smugglers in a string of armed robberies in the Bronx and Manhattan, police said.

Kyron Collins, 39, faces five to six years in prison when he is sentenced April 2.

He pleaded guilty in Manhattan Federal Court to one count of the indictment, which charged him with a robbery that took place at a residence on Walton Ave. in the Bronx last July 26, prosecutors said.

Collins said in court that he was wearing a police raid jacket and carrying his police service weapon when he committed the crime.

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