Monthly Archives: September 2014

Estonia’s president: Russia is threatening ‘the entire post-World War II order’

From: The Washington Post

By Lally Weymouth

Raised in New Jersey, Estonia’s President Toomas Hendrik Ilves does not mince words when it comes to the situation in Ukraine and the threat Russia poses to his country and the region. He took time last week to speak with The Post’s Lally Weymouth. Excerpts:


In our case, we had the equivalent of our FBI investigating a cigarette-smuggling ring. There was this bizarre event in which they came across the Estonian border during a meeting between the smuggler and our guy [the Estonian officer] and hauled him off and now he’s sitting in Lefortovo prison [in Russia].

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Prostitution, drugs and contraband cigarettes raise Poland’s economy


Prostitution, drugs and smuggling in the past year raised the dynamics of the Polish economy on 0,1 percentage points.

Income from them is reflected in the data of the Central Statistical Bureau of the country for the first time in history. Contribution of prostitution in Poland’s GDP amounted 657 million zlotys, the contribution of drug trafficking – 9,84 billion from cigarette smuggling – 2,524 billion, according to “News from Poland.”

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ATF agents target smuggled cigarettes


By Todd Cooper / World-Herald staff writer

This isn’t your typical federal drug prosecution.

First there’s the drug: Nicotine, in the form of cigarettes.

Then there’s the way the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives nabbed the defendants — by setting up an undercover tobacco warehouse in Kansas City, Mo.

The result of the sting? A $17million conspiracy unraveled, and 18 people indicted, including the one-time warehouse distribution manager for Ho-Chunk Inc., the economic development arm of the Winnebago Tribe in Nebraska.

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Former ATF Agent: Empower Police To Nab Terrorists Smuggling Cigarettes

From: Daily Caller

Rachel Stoltzfoos

Strict laws must be put in place to combat New York City’s massive tobacco smuggling problem, former Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives Assistant Director Rich Marianos told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“Street gangs, narcotics crews, Russian and Asian organized crime networks, and terrorists are trading cigs for guns, narcotics — even humans,” Marianos, who was with the ATF for 27 years, said.

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Arms-smuggling Taiwanese duo snared in FBI sting plead guilty

From: South China Morning Post

Pair claimed to be acting on behalf of Beijing official when they tried to send hi-tech military gear to mainland; HK ‘mastermind’ awaits trial

Bryan Harris

Two Taiwanese accomplices of an alleged Hong Kong smuggling mastermind face decades in US prisons after being caught trying to export high-grade military technology to mainland China.

The pair claimed to be acting on behalf of a senior Beijing official when they were snared in an FBI sting, FBI reports and legal documents seen by the Sunday Morning Post show.


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