Search Results Archives: March 2017

March 13, 2017

Haudenosaunee CCTA Defendant May Not Use Indian Law as a Defense to Cigarette Trafficking Charge

From: Turtle Talk

Here are the materials in United States v. Tarbell (N.D.N.Y.):

24 Motion in Limine re Indian Cigarettes

29 Response

47 DCT Order on Motions in Limine

March 7, 2017

Wanted: Data Analyst

From: Transcrime | Research Center on Transnational Crime

Transcrime is the Research Centre on Transnational Crime of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan (, is looking for a brilliant and proactive data analyst to collaborate to a project on illicit trafficking.

The ideal candidate is expected to have a very good and documented knowledge of quantitative research methods, strong familiarity with the most common software for database management (e.g. Excel, Access) and statistical analysis (e.g., SPSS, Stata), and to be proficient in the data analysis and elaboration and in drafting reports.

Read Complete Announcement