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May 2017

A Bad Time to Lose Jobs: Cigarette Manufacturing has Gone Up In Smoke

From: The Edge Markets

The State of the Nation: A bad time to lose jobs

Ben Shane Lim / The Edge Malaysia

MALAYSIAN cigarette manufacturing has gone up in smoke.

Last week, JT International Bhd (JTI Malaysia) announced that it would shutter its cigarette production plant in Shah Alam and with it, about 270 jobs (held mostly by locals). . . .


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Response to Ontario Budget – Need for Comprehensive Plan to Address Illegal Tobacco Market

From: Ontario Convenience Stores Association

The Ontario Convenience Stores Association (OCSA) was disappointed that the recent Ontario budget did not include a comprehensive, holistic solution to the growing threat of illegal tobacco. While the government did announce an increase to the tobacco tax, this increase is just a band aid – while the legal tobacco market will pay it, the increase will do nothing to address the disturbingly high levels of growth seen in the contraband market in recent years.

“Growth in Ontario’s illegal tobacco trade has been enormous, and we fear the situation will only get worse unless action is taken,” said OCSA CEO Dave Bryans.