From: Washington Monthly

Yes, terrorists conspire with criminal networks and corrupt officials. But that doesn’t mean cracking down on crime and corruption will stop terrorism.

by Paul Pillar

From: Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency

Klaus von Lampe1⇑, Marin Kurti2, Jacqueline Johnson3, Andres F. Rengifo2


Objectives: This article examines the decision-making of consumers of illegal goods and services, using the illegal cigarette market in the South Bronx as a case study.

Methods: Sixty-seven adult smokers residing in the South Bronx (New York City) were purposively recruited and placed into 13 focus groups stratified by gender and age to discuss their purchasing patterns of cigarettes.

From: Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse


This article seeks to gain insight into how rising cigarette prices resulting from a 2009 health and tobacco tax affect the behavior of adolescents in Taiwan who smoke smuggled cigarettes. We find there is a high probability that adolescent smokers (especially those between the ages of 12 and 15) who are considering smoking less or thinking about quitting altogether will purchase illicit cigarettes frequently. Consequently, it is critical that government policymakers understand adolescents’ attitudes, behaviors, and opinions regarding their cigarette-buying decisions and that they create smoking prevention measures that effectively target this segment of the population.

From: Nicotine & Tobacco Research

Kimberly Consroe, MA1,2, Marin Kurti, MA3, David Merriman, PhD4 and Klaus von Lampe, Dr.jur (PhD)5


Objective: Estimate cigarette tax noncompliance (tax avoidance and evasion) before and after mid-semester recesses in a New York City college campus, where the majority of students are residents of nearby lower-tax states, using data derived from garbology, an archaeological method that reconstructs patterns of human behavior from discarded materials.