From: The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR) | Department of War Studies, King’s College London
About this Study
• The presence of former criminals in terrorist groups is neither new nor unprecedented. But with Islamic State and the ongoing mobilisation of European jihadists, the phenomenon has become more pronounced, more visible, and more relevant to the ways in which jihadist groups operate. In many European countries, the majority of jihadist foreign fighters are former criminals.
From: Union des fabricants pour la protection internationale de la propriété intellectuelle (Unifab)
Still all too often considered as a minor offence, industrial and commercial counterfeiting currently represents a real threat to both the global economy and consumers alike, to the environment or the stability of States.
While counterfeiting harms the companies that fall victim to it, therefore ruining innovation and destroying jobs, it hurts consumers, who put their health and safety at risk by purchasing products that do not meet the safety standards in force. It is also the source of significant losses in tax revenues for States, eventually resulting in declining growth and therefore fewer public services for citizens.
From: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice | Editorial
Marius Schneider
Identifying and cutting off terrorists’ access to funding has become a key priority for the international community. It is thus not surprising that while the United Nations, the European Union, G8 and others present action plans to dry up financial sources for terrorists, right-holder organizations remind the authorities and policymakers of the links between counterfeiting and terrorism.
From: European Union
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Rapporteur: Laura Ferrara
Organised crime and terrorism
70. Recalls that the growing convergence and nexus between organised crime and terrorism, as well as the links between criminal and terrorist organisations, constitute an increased threat to the Union; calls on the Member States to ensure that the financing and support of terrorism by means of organised crime is made punishable and that the interlinking of organised crime and terrorist activities and terrorist financing are more explicitly taken into account by the authorities of the Member States involved in criminal proceedings;