Brief report: Categorising characteristics of counterfeit Marlboro cigarettes: a systematic review of tobacco industry documents

Feb 21, 2019

From: Tobacco Control

Marin K Kurti1, Klaus von Lampe2, Yi He3, Hiba Khanzada4, Konstantina Kostara5, Qin Da6, Kevin R J Schroth1


Background There is scant research on methods used to identify counterfeit Marlboro cigarettes.

Methods Systematic analysis of internal tobacco industry documents characteristics of counterfeit Marlboro cigarettes.

Results In the industry documents we identified as relevant, there were 42 characteristics of counterfeit Marlboro cigarettes. Overall, physical characteristics (88.1%) were the most commonly identified features across all locations, with the pack blank, cardboard shell of the cigarette pack, as the dominant site (30.9%). Some of the physical characteristics included offset lithography printing, incorrect font and colour. Overall, light microscopy was identified as the main method of forensic analysis for detecting counterfeits.

Conclusion Independent researchers employing litter pack and pack swap surveys are encouraged to use the characteristics identified in the study to gauge the prevalence of counterfeit Marlboro cigarettes and compare against industry estimates.

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