Smokers of illicit tobacco report significantly worse health than other smokers

Feb 23, 2011
Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Volume 11, Number 8 (August 2009)

Select quotes:

“Current and lifetime users of chop-chop report significantly worse health than smokers of licit tobacco. Investigation of how to communicate this fi nding to current and potential chop-chop smokers is warranted.

“It has been suggested that 6% – 8% of tobacco consumed globally each year is illicit ( Merriman, Yurekli, & Chaloupka, 2000 ). The trade in illicit tobacco (tobacco illegally grown, manufactured and/or smuggled, and illegally sold) represents an economic loss to governments estimated at US$40 – 50 billion in 2006 ( Framework Convention Alliance, 2008 ) and affects all countries regardless of their level of development, including the United States, and China, the world ’ s single biggest tobacco market ( Joossens & Raw, 2000 ; Lee & Collin, 2006 ). Similarly, the Australian market for illicit tobacco has thrived over recent decades as increasing taxation forced licit cigarette prices high by international standards ( Lal & Scollo, 2002 ).”

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