
The Ripple Effects of SDN: How It Will Change Data Center IT

From: The Data Center Journal

Organizations around the world are choosing to move from traditional physical data centers to virtual infrastructure, affecting every layer in the data center stack. This change will not only yield a scalable and elastic environment, but will also be more sustainable and secure. This new converged data center, sometimes referred to as a software-defined data center (SDDC), is centrally managed with capabilities to control demand capacity and resource allocation from a single dashboard. Ensuring that the SDDC is sustainable and secure requires a new approach to IT, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the software-defined network (SDN).


Splunk’s Big Data Cure for

CRE has been following the problems with and has made several suggestions for enhancing the website, these comments are available on eRulemaking.US.

Unfortunately, CRE has not had success with reforming and enhancing  However, we are pleased that Splunk, a leader in operational intelligence software, through their Splunk4Good initiative has undertaken a public service project to bring’s potential to fruition.  As Splunk explains:

The Splunk4Good team is analyzing’s large and complex data and creating a new, public interface that enables users to explore the federal regulatory data through real-time dashboards and visualizations. The end result will make millions of regulatory documents more accessible, searchable and usable to the general public


Adaptive, Model-based Monitoring for Cyber Attack Detection

Editor’s Note:  The paper, “Adaptive, Model-based Monitoring for Cyber Attack Detection” sponsored by DARPA and written by Alfonso Valdes and Keith Skinner of SRI International is attached here.

Below is an extract from the Summary.

From: Adaptive, Model-based Monitoring for Cyber Attack Detection by Alfonso Valdes and Keith Skinner of SRI International

We have described the eBayes monitoring capability, which employs Bayesian inference steps with transition models between inference to assess whether a particular burst of traffic contains an attack. A coupled component monitors availability of valid services, which are themselves learned via unsupervised discovery.