
Cybersecurity Summit 2014

From: AFCEA/Washington Chapter

Cyber Attacks and Insider Threats are on the Rise, but a Limited Workforce is available to counter them. Assembling the right people to discuss solutions has never been more urgent.

What does it take to stop cyber attacks?

Join AFCEA DC’s Annual Cyber Summit on March 4, 2014 to hear DoD, Federal Agencies, and Industry Experts discuss Challenges, Solutions, and Teamwork in 2014.

This event is at the epicenter of the Nation’s Cybersecurity Innovation, Operations, and Education. It will create Opportunities for Networking and Idea-Sharing with Professionals from the Department of Defense, Federal, State, and Local Government Agencies, Academic Institutions, Cybersecurity Entrepreneurs, & Industry Leaders.


How cyber security is bringing bipartisanship

From: merlin

If the last decade in politics have shown us anything, it’s that Democrats and Republicans are having a very difficult time getting along on just about anything. This was especially proven true throughout 2013, when the well-known debate over the Affordable Care Act led to a complete government shutdown. While it doesn’t look like this kind of friction is going away anytime soon, there is one issue that the two major American ideologies are agreeing on: federal government cyber security.


DHS kicks off continuous monitoring contract

From: FCW

By Mark  Rockwell

Four companies have received task orders worth a total of $60 million from the Department of Homeland Security under the agency’s $6 billion Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) contract.

The initial orders were primarily for products to provide immediate protection for network endpoints such as desktop computers and servers, said Matt Brown, vice president of homeland security and cyber solutions at Knowledge Consulting Group, one of the companies that were awarded task orders. Other products included hardware and software inventory tools and software licenses, he added.


5 Surprising Security Gains Achieved From Security Analytics

From: Dark Reading

Getting the most out of big data sets and seemingly unrelated security information

Ericka Chickowski

As more CISOs begin to lean on data scientists to discover new threats in security feeds and increasingly more IT security departments institute security analytics programs, infosec pros have started to reap the obvious benefits of security analytics. Most evident among them is a broader and deeper visibility into IT security data sources, which in turn in offers a better understanding of security risks and faster response times.


2014 spending bill funds continuous monitoring program

From: Federal Times


Lawmakers on Monday released a full-year spending bill that would provide $166 million to secure federal networks and fund the government’s continuous monitoring program.

The bill, which Congress is expected to vote on as soon as this week, would funnel that money through the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Network Resilience division. The money would fund governmentwide and agency-specific efforts “to provide adequate, risk-based, and cost-effective cybersecurity to address escalating and rapidly evolving threats to information security.”


Defining Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation

From: Tripwire.com

Cindy Valladares

Federal government agencies are under immense pressure to improve cybersecurity performance by focusing on compliance and risk management initiatives such as Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM), FISMA, and NIST and agency standards.

In this video, leading security experts discuss how CDM goes to the heart of what NIST means by Continuous Monitoring.



Included in the commentary are:

  • Michael Chertoff, former Homeland Security Director and current Chairman of The Chertoff Group
  • Mark Weatherford, former DHS Deputy Undersecretary for Cybersecurity and current Principal at The Chertoff Group