• Submit Your Views Through The CRE Discussion Forum

    There  are a number of topics on this website dealing with ocean zoning. Articles include those on this  homepage, Zoning News and the Discussion Forum, the latter  two are accessible by clicking on the aformentioned names in the upper right hand side of this page.

    All posts on this page are interactive, simply click on “comments” in the upper left hand corner of this post and submit a comment.

    All comments submitted on this page and the Discussion Forum and Zoning News  are annoymous unless you disclose your email address or name.

  • CRE Response to OSTP Request for Revitalizing Agency Use of Science

    The CRE response to the OSTP request for ways to revitalize agency use of science is attached hereto.

    CRE believes that the time limited notice and comment period in the Adminstrative Procedure Act is obsolete. In a wired society, the notice and comment period is 24/7.

    To meet this challenge,  CRE has championed the use of IPD’s (Interactive Public Dockets). This website is an IPD dedicated to the new ocean zoning program announced by President Obama last week and so described in the Zoning news of this website.

  • Ocean Zoning in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Part III

    In response to NOAA’s proposal to establish a national system of MPA’s, CRE informed NOAA that:

    “Due to the lack of institutional guidance and transparency for the National System, this comment presents three recommendations.

    First, the National System should adopt a procedural framework similar to the NMSA (National Marine Sanctuaries Act), because the NMSA provides the well-defined procedures necessary for an effective National System of MPAs. (Note NMSA was chosen as one example because it had well defined standards for inclusion in a system of national sanctuaries whereas the national system of MPA’s had no such criteria.)

  • Ocean Zoning in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Part II

    The following are excerpts from a letter written by the NOAA employee who runs the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, April 15, 2008, a copy appended hereto:

    — NOAA to superimpose MPA’s on the Monterey National Marine Sanctuary

    “As you recall from my presentation at the February 15, 2008 meeting of the Sanctuary Advisory Council (SA), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of National Marine Sanctuaries (ONMS) has decided to move forward with a process to propose marine protected areas (MPAs) in federal waters of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS or Sanctuary).

  • Ocean Zoning in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Part I

    Nearly three years ago, in the attachment hereto, the Alliance of Communities for Sustainable Fisheries warned NOAA of actions the agency was taking which would lead to ineffective and overly costly regulations:

    “The Alliance believes it would be duplicative of the programs being administered by the Pacific Fishery Management Council and NOAA-Fisheries to provide broad regulatory authority over fisheries to a Sanctuary manager, either directly or indirectly.”


    The concerns of the Alliance could not be more apparent than the collision course launched by NOAA with respect to the OCS leasing program administered by MMS—a topic of a subsequent posting on this website.

  • What Is Ocean Zoning?

    Source: Marine Conservation Biology Institute

    Ocean zoning would fundamentally change the way we govern the sea, from the current activity- or species-based approach to a place-based approach.

    It would use peoples’ understanding of the differences among ecosystems and human interests to reduce harm to the sea while reducing conflicts. Fishes and fishermen, sea turtles and coastal property owners would all benefit. Past approaches — letting anybody do whatever they want no matter how it harms our oceans and managing species one-by-one — have failed to maintain the sea’s biodiversity.