• CEQ Issues Interim Report on Ocean Policy

    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20503

    September 17, 2009

    Obama Administration Officials Release Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force Interim Report

    WASHINGTON, DC – Obama Administration officials today released the Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force Interim Report for a 30-day public review and comment period.  The Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force, led by White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Nancy Sutley, consists of 24 senior-level officials from Administration agencies, departments, and offices.  The report provides proposals for a comprehensive national approach to uphold our stewardship responsibilities and ensure accountability for our actions. 

  • CRE Submits Comments to MMS on its Five Year OCS Program

    The CRE comments attached hereto were developed through the use of  this Interactive Public Docket.   The IPD is premised on the fact that in a wired society the time-limited public comment period in the Administrative Procedure Act is obsolete – public comment is a 24/7 operation. National Public Radio reviewed the IPD at http://www.thecre.com/creipd/  
    Why should the public not be involved in a rulemaking prior to the issuance of a proposed rule? Why should not the public be able to provide updated information to regulators after the close of a public comment period? Why should not the public be able to provide information to regulators during the implementation stage of a rule? 
     In that it often takes months, if not years, for an agency to complete a rulemaking subsequent to the close of the public comment period, new information should be provided to federal agencies on a continuous basis. CRE is not suggesting that agencies not establish deadlines for the issuance of a rule but instead that they announce a policy which states that while they are working on a rule agencies will review the contents of IPDs and introduce the relevant portions of the IPD into the record when such information contributes to the issuance of a technically sound rule.


  • CRE Brasil Transmits Brazilian Field Guide to the IWC with Recommendations: Seeks Public Comment

    The landmark Brazilian study entitled: WHALES, RIVER DOLPHINS, AND DOLPHINS IN THE CAMPOS BASIN, BRAZIL was transmitted to the International Whaling Commission with recommendations by CRE Brazil. The recommendations included actions to further regulate whale watching and to emphasize protective measures : pollution preventiion, ship traffic and fishing and cease undue emphasis on seismic operations

    CRE welcomes public comment om this discussion forum.

    The two docments to comment on are attached herewith.

    Please submit your comments through our Discussion Forum at http://www.thecre.com/zoning-forum/?p=208