• Governors’ South Atlantic Alliance Releases Draft Action Plan, Announces Hearing

    The South Atlantic Alliance, a partnership formed by the governors of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, have released a draft Action Plan as a regional response  to “address the key environmental, economic, and cultural issues facing the Southeastern U.S. coastal and ocean region.”

    The document explains that the Action Plan and the Administration’s National Ocean Policy some common objectives including “scientifically sound, ecosystem strengthened and integrated ocean observation, and coastal marine spatial planning.”

  • Center for Regulatory Effectiveness to the Department of Interior: Do Not Ignore the Views of Your OCS Scientific Committee on Scientific Integrity

      The Department of the Interior has asked the public for its views on a “Department-wide policy to ensure the integrity of scientific activities in the Department”.  It should be noted that the earliest thinking on this important subject was done by the Department’s OCS Scientific Committee.

     The OCS Scientific Committee is comprised of some the leading academicians and researchers on environmental assessment. During the course of its September meeting members of the Committee informed the Department that they wrote an initial draft of a scientific integrity policy some four years ago and have not been asked to comment on the agency’s current proposal.