• Offshore Backbone Developer Makes Bid for $100 Million in Tax Credits

    From: NJ Spotlight

    The developer of an offshore wind transmission system is seeking to qualify for $100 million in tax credits offered under a New Jersey law aimed at luring manufacturers of offshore wind turbines to the area.

    Atlantic Wind Connection, which is aggressively pushing an ambitious plan to create a 350-mile offshore backbone transmission system stretching from New Jersey to Virginia, said its project calls for as many as three interconnections between offshore wind farms and the regional power grid in New Jersey, reflecting a value of approximately $806 million.

  • Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee Recommendation

    The Marine Protected Areas Federal Advisory Committee recently released its recommendations to NOAA and the Fish and Wildlife Service on Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning.

    The recommendations are available here

  • Agencies prepare to carve up coastal waters (Sign on San Diego)

    Unprecedented zoning process will be based on ecosystem approach

    From: Sign on San Diego

    By: Mike Lee

    State officials decided last week that a hotly contested set of marine protected areas will take effect in the nearshore waters of Southern California on Jan. 1.

    That planning process split the region into pro-fishing and no-fishing camps since it started in 2008, but it pales in comparison to the scope of a federal initiative that’s starting to take shape as a priority of the Obama administration.

  • Washington State Seeks Nominations for Ocean Advisory Group

    A new advisory group is being established to provide input to the Washington State Ocean Caucus, an interagency team made up of state agencies with management roles or expertise in ocean and coastal issues. Nominations for membership on the advisory panel are currently being sought, with the goal of including representatives from a wide variety of coastal and ocean interests. Any individuals or groups can nominate candidates (including themselves) to the advisory group, but all nominations must be received by Tuesday, September 27, 2011

    More information is available here

  • Summary of the Regional Workshop on Marine Spatial Planning

    In June 2011 the World Wildlife Fund and the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans held the Regional Workshop on Marine Spatial Planning: A Technical Learning  Session in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The workshop report presents a high-level overview of key discussion points from the workshop, with a focus on those that could be helpful or instructive to future action.

    The summary is available here

  • Report on Marine Zoning in St. Kitts and Nevis

    From: http://www.marineplanning.org/Case_Studies/StKitts_Report.html

    Executive Summary

    Human activities are placing increased and often conflicting demands on coastal and marine waters worldwide. As a result, important coastal areas are under intense pressure, threatening the biological diversity of marine habitats and the ecosystem services they provide, such as coastal protection, food security, tourism amenities and biodiversity protection. Marine zoning, one of the possible outcomes of a marine spatial planning process, has emerged recently as an approach to address these issues. The case for marine zoning is particularly strong in the Caribbean, but there are few examples to date of comprehensive marine zoning for tropical island nations.

  • Comments by the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness on BOEMRE ICRS OCS Seismic


    CRE‟s comments focus on the seismic aspects of this Information Collection Request (“ICR”). BOEMRE has successfully regulated offshore seismic for years. The costs, burden and efficacy of that regulation, including information collections, are well known. That may soon change.

    In New Orleans federal court, environmental group plaintiffs are suing BOEMRE over regulation of seismic in the Gulf of Mexico (“GOM”). At the request of the parties, this litigation is currently stayed until October 1, 2011. The purpose of the stay is settlement negotiations. Based on the parties‟ pleadings, any settlement acceptable to the plaintiffs could dramatically change current regulation of seismic in the GOM, including information collections, and could significantly increase the costs, burden and efficacy of that regulation, including information collections.