• CRE Responds to NGO Comments on BOEMRE’s Revised Take Application

    CRE has sharply criticized NGO comments to the National Marine Fisheries Service on regulation of seismic in the Gulf of Mexico.  CRE seeks comments on our criticism of the NGOs’ positions.

    On June 14, 2011, NMFS published notice that the Bureau of Ocean Energy, Management, Regulation and Enforcement had submitted to NMFS a revised application for Take authorizations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. This revised Take application applies to oil and gas seismic operations in the Gulf of Mexico.  NMFS’ Federal Register notice soliciting public comment on this revised Take application is available online at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-06-14/html/2011-14742.htm.

  • The Impact of Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning on Deepwater Drilling

    By: Joan M. Bondareff

    Publication: Natural Resources & Environment Volume 26, Number 2, Fall 2011, The American Bar Association.

    An report just published by ABA found that Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning will be beneficial to deepwater drilling, because it will streamline the permitting and licensing process.  The report concluded:

    “The development of CMSPs may have a positive impact both on deepwater drilling for oil and gas as well as for the development of renewable resources. Even if the CMSPs are not strictly enforceable, they will provide an excellent opportunity for interested stakeholders, at the federal, state, and local government levels, as well as industry and NGOs, to meet and discuss how the waters of the EEZ and Great Lakes should be managed.

  • Center for Strategic and International Studies Energy Forum

     See the attachment.

    Nixon Legacy Forum

  • President’s plan to ‘zone the ocean’ is out of line (Shore News Today)

    by: Shore News Today

    Tuesday, 11 October 2011 08:55
    Ann Richardson

    Earning a living in coastal South Jersey has never been easy. This resort area offers many lifestyle advantages but outside the tourism industry opportunities are lacking.

    So every time a bureaucrat dreams up a new tax or regulation making it harder to do business, you have to wonder whose side they’re on.

    While every segment of the tourism industry seems to be in the cross hairs, recreational fishing is a big target. In the on-going drama of regulating one of our favorite pastimes, a bi-partisan mix of coastal legislators defend the industry while another group is seemingly trying to kill it. Fortunately, anglers are well-represented by New Jersey’s Barnegat-based Recreational Fishing Alliance (RFA).

  • Top 10 Things to Know About President Obama’s Plan to Zone the Oceans

    From: The US House of Representative Office Natural Resources Committee

    On July 19, 2010 President Obama signed Executive Order 13547 to unilaterally implement a new National Ocean Policy without Congressional approval or specific statutory authority. This policy is a new regulatory layer that could significantly impact the way we use and manage our oceans and is another example of the Obama Administration imposing burdensome federal regulations and policies that could hinder economic growth and harm job creation. In addition, the Administration is implementing a mandatory Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning initiative to “zone” the oceans.