• CRE Files Comments on BSEE Information Collection Request

    On October 24, 2012, the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness filed comments on an Information Collection Request that the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement has sent to the U.S. Office of Management and Budget for review and possible approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act. This ICR is necessary for BSEE’s information collection authority for certain offshore activities, including seismic operations.  Among other points, CRE’s comments stated that if this ICR is approved in its current form and on its current record, then neither BSEE nor the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management may have any information collection authority over offshore seismic.

  • America’s Ocean Economy: Challenges and Opportunities Video (Rhode Island Ocean SAMP)

    From: Rhode Island Ocean SAMP

    A new short film, America’s Ocean Economy: Challenges and Opportunities, is the first in a series that explores aspects of ocean management with ocean management practitioners from around the world. The film provides an overview of economic issues related to ocean planning. Three additional films are scheduled to be released throughout the fall and will focus on ocean planning and offshore renewable energy, fisheries, and the environment.

  • Proposed National Ocean Policy is Bad Politics and Worse Policy (Rigzone)

    From: Rigzone

    by:  Michael Whatley

    Both energy consumers and those involved in the oil and gas industry understand the positive benefits of expanding hydrocarbon production to our economic future. Study after study shows the industry is creating almost $1 billion in daily economic activity and may be helping the nation avoid a second recession. Polls show that the majority of voters can see this positive impact on a daily basis, especially those living in regions around the major plays. In spite of this, bureaucrats in Washington are blocking, or at the very least limiting the industry’s access to our natural resources. The latest example is something called the National Ocean Policy. Never heard of it? Most people haven’t. But you need to know what it could do to your pocket book.