• Time to Wake Up: National Ocean Policy (Senator Whitehouse)


    Editor’s note: Senator Whitehouse delivered the following remarks in the Senate regarding the National Ocean Policy.  Sen. Whitehouse’s remarks make it very clear that the National Ocean Policy is not about creating a comprehensive framework to balance competing uses of the ocean, but rather is an attempt to implement a global warming policy while circumventing the legislative and regulatory processes. 

    As delivered on the Senate floor


    Mr. President, I come to the floor again to address climate change, particularly today the change that carbon pollution is wreaking in our oceans.

  • White House finalizes national ocean policy

    Editor’s Note: The National Ocean Council’s National Ocean Policy Implementation Plan is attached here.  The Appendix to the Implementation Plan is attached here.  The White House’s Press Release “Plan to Promote Ocean Economy and Resilience” is available here.

    From: The Washington Post

    Posted by Juliet Eilperin

    The White House on Tuesday issued its final plan for managing the world’s oceans, outlining a strategy that aims to coordinate the work of more than two dozen agencies and reconcile competing interests including fishing, offshore energy exploration and recreational activities.

  • House Opposes Obama’s National Ocean Council (Alaska House of Representatives)

    From: Alaska House of Representatives

    Saddler’s HJR 16 wants Alaska exempt from overreaching federal policy

    Wednesday, April 10, 2013, Juneau, Alaska – The Alaska House of Representatives today sent a message to President Barack Obama and the federal government, telling them to keep their overreaching, unnecessary new ocean zoning policy to themselves.

    Representative Dan Saddler, R-JBER/Eagle River, introduced House Joint Resolution 16 to urge that Alaska be exempted from an imminent comprehensive federal policy aimed at managing and zoning activities in marine and coastal areas.

  • Assessing Progress in Marine Spatial Planning

    From: AESOP

    The European Union is currently working towards a Directive on maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management. Several European countries and other jurisdictions around the world are developing or implementing systems of marine spatial planning (MSP).

    Research efforts are also ongoing, to explore different approaches to MSP and to evaluate current practice. A seminar is being organised that will provide an opportunity for participants to present and discuss academic perspectives and the findings of current research on the development of MSP.

    The seminar is being organised by the Marine Spatial Planning Research Network and will take place at the University of Liverpool, United Kingdom on 29th – 30th May, 2013.