• CRE Comments on Sperm Whale Petition

    NGOs have petitioned NMFS to list the sperm whale in the northern Gulf of Mexico as a Distinct Population Segment under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. CRE’s comments opposed the requested listing for several reasons. One reason is the absence of an adequate data base to support such a listing. A DPS listing on the current data base would violate NMFS’ and OMB’s Information Quality Act Guidelines. Click here to read CRE’s comments.

  • Compass: New federal ocean policy bodes ill for Alaska

    Anchorage Daily  News


    Alaskans today have tremendous potential opportunities that can provide lasting benefits for decades to come. Plentiful energy and mineral resources, new Arctic shipping lanes, vibrant fisheries, and a bustling tourism industry are but a few of the areas that could all combine to usher in a new era of unprecedented economic and societal prosperity for the people of Alaska and beyond.

    Unfortunately, prospects for this bright future could potentially be delayed if not derailed as a result of President Obama’s issuance of the July 2010 National Ocean Policy Executive Order and the recently-released National Ocean Policy Final Implementation Plan.