• Regulating fishermen out of business (Post and Courier)

    From: The Post and Courier


    In recent years, high fuel prices and stringent federal regulations have combined to take an especially heavy toll on charter boat owners and operators across the United States.

    President Barack Obama’s 2010 National Ocean Policy executive order and his National Ocean Council’s recent release of a final implementation plan now set the stage for a one-two punch that could choke off access to fishery resources and add to already-high fuel costs by restricting opportunities to develop energy here at home.

  • Public asked to help shape coastal marine spatial plan

    From: Washington State

    OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) is seeking public comment regarding what elements should be covered in a marine spatial plan for the state’s 375 miles of ocean coastline.

    Ecology also is asking for public feedback about the goals, objectives, boundaries and other scoping issues that should be assessed under a related environmental impact statement (EIS) for Washington’s outer coast.

    The EIS will evaluate the alternatives and potential significant adverse impacts associated with developing the marine spatial plan. The public comment period for the marine spatial plan and related environmental review documents is open until 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 23.

  • New opportunities for maritime spatial planning and Blue Growth (Planning Resource)

    From: Planning Resource

    The concept of maritime spatial planning has been given a significant boost by a couple of recent actions in the European Union. As Maria Damanaki, EU Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, has commented, “Governments are waking up to the fact that we have just about reached the limit of what can be squeezed from the 29% of the planet that is land. Therefore, it becomes clear that we need to look even more to the sea.” Now the EU is proposing a Directive that would require Member States to develop coastal management strategies that coordinate planning for activities in coastal zones across the different policy areas. This comes just as a pioneering report on Europe’s seas has been published.

  • UNH Receives $6m Federal Grant (Foster’s Daily Democrat)

    From: Foster’s Daily Democrat

    Friday, July 5, 2013

    DURHAM — Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter is pleased to announce the University of New Hampshire was selected as the recipient of a $6 million grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

    “The University of New Hampshire is a national leader in oceanic research, and these grants demonstrate the extraordinary value of its efforts,” Shea-Porter said. “I applaud UNH for its important work.”