• Ocean technology conference to open in San Diego (San Diego Source)

    The Oceans ’13 conference will open Tuesday in San Diego, the first time in 10 years the ocean technology conference has chosen San Diego as its site.

    The last time it was held in San Diego, the conference drew its biggest turnout, a record that stands. More than 4,000 attendees and 200 exhibitors are expected, including several companies based in the county.

    Organized by the Marine Technology Society and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, or IEEE, Oceans ’13 — which will run from Tuesday through Friday — will be at the Town & Country Resort Hotel in Mission Valley. Admission is free. The exhibits will be open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday and from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Thursday

  • All in the planning (Port Strategy)

    From: Port Stategy

    20 Sep 2013

    Ports and harbours need to work with ocean 'users' to make sure that their voice is heardPorts and harbours need to work with ocean ‘users’ to make sure that their voice is heard

    Carl Friesen explains why Marine Spatial Planning affects port planning and operation

    Conflicts over marine resources have the potential to impact the plans and operations of ports and harbours around the world. Consider the port that needs to dredge channels deeper in order to accommodate larger vessels with deeper drafts – dredging that could spread sediment over vulnerable fish-spawning beds in a nearby estuary, raising concerns from environmental regulators.

  • Article Advocates U.S. Ratification of Law of the Sea Treaty

    A recent article on the Breaking Energy website argues that the U.S.’ failure to ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty “may, paradoxically, proscribe the US’ ability to represent its own interests in securing rights to potentially resource-rich areas” in the Arctic. The article explains that “The Law of the Sea Treaty – or more formally, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea – establishes navigational rights, territorial limits, economic and legal jurisdiction, and various other basic regulatory structures for delimiting countries’ rights in seas and oceans.”  The “US is the only country with an Arctic coastline that has not yet ratified the Law of the Sea Treaty, which could put it at a disadvantage in laying claim to what could be substantial resources on its outer continental shelf.”

  • Sea Change launched to better protect Hauraki Gulf (New Zealand Government)

    Monday, 9 September 2013, 6:57 pm
    Press Release: New Zealand Government

    Sea Change launched to better protect Hauraki Gulf

    Conservation Minister Dr Nick Smith tonight officially launched the Hauraki Gulf Marine Spatial Planning process to help shape the gulf over the next 30 years.

    “We need to lift our game on how the Hauraki Gulf marine environment is managed. Decision making is too fragmented between different public agencies. Key commercial, recreational, conservation and cultural groups tend to fight their own corner. This marine spatial planning process is an opportunity for public agencies and key interest groups to work together on the development of a 30 year vision for the Hauraki Gulf,” Dr Smith says.

  • We Apologize for the Inconvenience Resulting from the Outage of Our Website

             The CRE website was attacked with the result that had we not pulled down the website we would have risked loosing content.

             We appreciate your many emails and we are  working to continue to install state of the art  early warning systems.  We must , however, add that we have only had two major outages in more than a decade of operation.

            We are particularly concerned that some of you could not use the website for the preparation of regulatory filings.