The Impact of Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning on Deepwater Drilling
By: Joan M. Bondareff
Publication: Natural Resources & Environment Volume 26, Number 2, Fall 2011, The American Bar Association.
An report just published by ABA found that Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning will be beneficial to deepwater drilling, because it will streamline the permitting and licensing process. The report concluded:
“The development of CMSPs may have a positive impact both on deepwater drilling for oil and gas as well as for the development of renewable resources. Even if the CMSPs are not strictly enforceable, they will provide an excellent opportunity for interested stakeholders, at the federal, state, and local government levels, as well as industry and NGOs, to meet and discuss how the waters of the EEZ and Great Lakes should be managed.
It was President Reagan who declared that the United States has exclusive rights to the resources of the EEZ. Unless the United States develops comprehensive marine spatial plans, we will be unable to take full advantage of his proclamation and vision but will continue to battle each permit and each new use of the ocean on a case-by-case basis.”
The full report is available here
Published in Natural Resources & Environment Volume 26, Number 2, Fall 2011. © 2011 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portionthereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.The Impact of Coastal and Marine SpatialPlanning on Deepwater DrillingJoan M. BondareffMs. Bondareff is of counsel in the Washington, D.C., office of Blank Rome,LLP. Before joining Blank Rome, Ms. Bondareff was chief counsel and actingdeputy administrator of the Maritime Administration, U.S. Departmentof Transportation. She may be reached at Bondareff@BlankRome.com.It has been more than one year since the BP DeepwaterHorizon (DWH) rig blew up in the Gulf of Mexico,killing eleven workers on the rig, “producing the largestaccidental marine oil spill in U.S. history,” destroyingwetlands in Louisiana, and deeply affecting the lives ofresidents and fishermen along the Gulf Coast. NationalCommission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill andOffshore Drilling (BP Commission), Deep Water: TheGulf Oil Disaster and the Future of Offshore Drilling(Final Report), www.oilspillcommission.gov/sites/default/files/documents/DEEPWATER_ReporttothePresident_FINAL.pdf. A Gulf Coast Claims Facility has been established toadminister a $20 billion fund from the responsible party, BritishPetroleum (BP), and final payments to affected claimantsare just being proffered by the administrator of the fund, KenFeinberg, a well-known lawyer and manager of similar trustfunds for compensation of victims. The National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration (NOAA), as lead trustee fornatural resources damaged or lost as a result of the spill, hasbegun the natural resource damage assessment process requiredby the Oil Pollution Act of 1990. It is difficult at this point tocatalogue the extent of the damage and to foresee the impact,psychological and otherwise, on the lives of the fishermen.In the midst of this ongoing damage assessment, claims,and restoration process, three seemingly unrelated events havetaken place. On July 19, 2010, President Obama issued ExecutiveOrder 13547 creating a new ocean policy for the UnitedStates, establishing a new National Ocean Council and callingfor the creation of a series of Coastal and Marine Spatial Plans(CMSPs) along all of our coasts, including Hawaii, Alaska, andthe Great Lakes. Exec. Order No. 13547, 75 Fed. Reg. 43,023(July 22, 2010). Initially, following the DWH spill, the administrationimposed a moratorium on all deepwater drilling permitsbut recently has lifted the moratorium and issued a number ofnew deepwater drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico. Finally,recent conflicts in Libya and the Middle East have drivenup the price of oil and gas in the United States, resulting inincreasing demands to use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve totamp down the price of gas at the pump and calls for increaseddevelopment of offshore U.S. oil and gas reserves.Were the United States to develop and implement a seriesof CMSPs along the U.S. coasts, it could help resolve useconflicts for offshore waters, allow the public to participatemore fully in the debate where to site current and new sourcesof energy, including oil and gas and renewable sources, and potentiallyfacilitate the issuance of additional deepwater drillingpermits. This article reviews Executive Order 13547, explainsthe nature of coastal and marine spatial planning, reviews thelegal authority for and impact of CMSPs, and attempts to predictthe impact of this planning process on deepwater drilling.First, let us review the history of coastal and marine spatialplanning. The concept of maritime spatial planning, as itis known in Europe, originated, in part, from the boundaryprinciples of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS, 1982). UNCLOS allowed nations to expand theirjurisdictional claims to the limits of the 200-mile ExclusiveEconomic Zone (EEZ), a 12-mile territorial sea, and a 24-milecontiguous zone. Although President Reagan rejected Part XIof UNCLOS governing deep seabed mining, he accepted therest of UNCLOS and proclaimed that the United States hadsovereign rights to explore, exploit, conserve, and manage thenatural resources of a 200-mile EEZ around the United States,thereby expanding the nation’s boundaries in a manner moreextensive perhaps than the Louisiana Purchase. ProclamationNo. 5030, 48 Fed. Reg. 10,605 (Mar. 10, 1983).The principle of marine spatial planning itself may havebeen first adopted in Agenda 21, a set of principles producedby the Rio Conference of 1992. Finally, it is reiterated inExecutive Order 13547, calling for a new ocean policy for theUnited States, discussed at length below.The European Union, recognizing its dependence and proximityto the sea, took an early lead in calling upon its membernations to develop marine spatial plans. As Fokion Fotiadis, theDirector-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries put it recently, “[t]heEuropean Commission is committed to pursuing . . . and [facilitating]the development and use of maritime spatial planning withinthe European Union as part of our new sustainable approach tomanage our seas and oceans.” European Commission, MaritimeSpatial Planning for the EU’s Seas and Oceans: What’s It All About?(Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2010).Several European nations have developed marine spatialplans to resolve use conflicts. For example, Belgium hasdeveloped a master plan for the Belgian part of the North Seaand designated areas for offshore wind, marine protected areas,and sand and gravel extraction, among other uses. A similarintegrated management plan for the North Sea off the NetherPublishedin Natural Resources & Environment Volume 26, Number 2, Fall 2011. © 2011 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portionthereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.lands has been developed and identifies offshore use zones forshipping routes, military exercises, and ecologically valuableareas. Finally, Germany has established a plan to resolveconflicts among old and new energy uses. Further analysis canbe found in F. Douvere & C. N. Ehler, New Perspectives on SeaUse Management: Initial Findings from European Experience withMarine Spatial Planning, J. Envtl. Mgmt. 90 (2009) at 77–88.In the United States, early references to a comprehensiveoceans policy and the need to plan for current and new usesof the oceans appear in the reports of the two ocean commissions,the Pew Ocean Commission and the U.S. Commissionon Ocean Policy. Their reports were issued in 2003 and 2004,respectively. Congress held hearings on the two Commissionreports but did not adopt many of their recommendations.The concept of marine spatial planning in the EEZ has neverbeen codified in U.S. law.On June 12, 2009, President Obama established an interagencytask force on ocean policy and directed the group toreport back to him in one year on the state of the oceans inthe United States. The Task Force produced its final reporton July 19, 2010. See The White House Council on EnvironmentalQuality, Final Recommendation of the Interagency OceanPolicy Task Force (July 19, 2010), www.whitehouse.gov/files/documents/OPTF_FinalRecs.pdf. The report identified a newocean policy for the United States and included as one of itsprincipal recommendations that the United States should developCMSPs to manage the resources of the EEZ, OCS, andterritorial sea. The Task Force’s recommendations were alsoincorporated by reference in Executive Order 13547.In brief, the new ocean policy calls for protecting, maintaining,and restoring the health and biological diversity ofocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems and resources;using the best available science to inform decisions; supportingsustainable uses of the ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes; increasingscientific understanding of these ecosystems; and ensuringa comprehensive and collaborative framework for the stewardshipof these resources. (Task Force Report, supra, at 14–15).The stakeholders, including federal, state, tribal and localauthorities, regional governing bodies, NGOs, and the publicand private sectors are tasked with producing CMSPs.As defined in Executive Order 13547, the term “coastal andmarine spatial planning” means:a comprehensive, adaptive, integrated, ecosystem-based, andtransparent spatial planning process, based on sound science,for analyzing current and anticipated uses of ocean, coastal, andGreat Lakes areas. Coastal and marine spatial planning identifiesareas most suitable for various types or classes of activities inorder to reduce conflicts among uses, reduce environmental impacts,facilitate compatible uses, and preserve critical ecosystemservices to meet economic, environmental, security, and socialobjectives. In practical terms, coastal and marine spatial planningprovides a public policy process for society to better determine howthe ocean, our coasts, and Great Lakes are sustainably used andprotected—now and for future generations. Exec. Order No. 13547,75 Fed. Reg. 43,023 (July 22, 2010) (emphasis added).While the definition is certainly a mouthful, the ultimategoal of marine spatial planning is a transparent and flexibleplanning process to identify locations for offshore uses and toanticipate and resolve conflicts among competing uses. Thearea to be covered by the plans includes the territorial sea ofthe United States, the 200-mile EEZ, and the ContinentalShelf landward to the mean high-water line. The plans alsowill include the waters of the Great Lakes from the ordinaryhigh-water mark to the limit of the U.S. and Canada maritimeboundary. The Task Force Report explicitly states thatprivately owned lands are excluded from the planning areas.However, the waters may reach inland to cover bays and estuariesin coastal and Great Lakes settings, which could includethe internal waters of the Chesapeake Bay and Puget Sound.Membership of each regional planning group includesrepresentatives of federal, state, and tribal authorities pertainingto each region. States are divided into nine regions (forpurposes of developing the CMSPs), as follows:1. Alaska/Arctic Region: Alaska;2. Caribbean Region: Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands;3. Great Lakes Region: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania*, and Wisconsin;4. Gulf of Mexico Region: Alabama, Florida, Louisiana,Mississippi, and Texas;5. Mid-Atlantic Region: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey,New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia;6. Northeast Region: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts,New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont;7. Pacific Islands Region: Hawaii, Commonwealth of theNorthern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, and Guam;8. South Atlantic Region: Florida, Georgia, NorthCarolina, and South Carolina; and9. West Coast Region: California, Oregon, and Washington.[*Pennsylvania is included twice because it is both a coastal andGreat Lakes state.]For a better depiction of the regions affected, please viewthe NOAA map of the United States divided into largemarine ecosystems and the nine regional planning areas atCouncil on Environmental Quality, Final Recommendation ofthe Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force, 52 (July 19, 2010),Were the United States to developand implement a series of Coastaland Marine Spatial Plans along theU.S. coasts, it could help resolveuse conflicts for offshore waters.Published in Natural Resources & Environment Volume 26, Number 2, Fall 2011. © 2011 by the American Bar Association. Reproduced with permission. All rights reserved. This information or any portionthereof may not be copied or disseminated in any form or by any means or stored in an electronic database or retrieval system without the express written consent of the American Bar Association.www.whitehouse.gov/files/documents/OPTF_FinalRecs.pdf.A number of states have initiated their own ocean planningprocesses that may well serve as models for the new plans.Because state jurisdiction ends generally at the 3-mile limit,working with federal agencies on CMSPs will provide an opportunityfor states to influence the outcome of the plans forthe waters of the adjacent EEZ and Great Lakes. The followingstates have developed ocean management plans: Massachusetts,Hawaii, California, Rhode Island, Oregon, and WashingtonState. Some of the state plans have also proved useful in helpingto resolve siting conflicts. For example, the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts was able to identify the location of an offshorewind project by designating two areas for offshore wind. See PeterBrennan, Massachusetts Ocean Plan Delegates Offshore WindRegulation, Offshore Wind Wire (Jan. 4, 2010), www.offshorewindwire.com/2010/01/04/ocean-plan-delegates-regulation.California, on the other hand, adopted an ocean plan in 2005that continued to call for a ban on drilling on the OCS adjacentto California. See Water Quality Control Plan, Ocean Watersof California (2005), www.swrcb.ca.gov/water_issues/programs/ocean/docs/oplans/oceanplan2005.pdf.The Task Force Report established a five-year schedulefor bringing the nine CMSPs into fruition. The Reportanticipates that the first year will be devoted to public andstakeholder outreach; organizing the respective federal agencyrepresentatives in each region; developing a model agreement;organizing and convening a national workshop; anddevelopment by the National Ocean Council (NOC) of anational information management system. In his 2012 budget,President Obama requested $6.8 million for CMSP work and$20 million for regional ocean partnership grants to foster thework of the NOC and begin the regional planning process.Regions will have to have some seed money to begin theplanning process and staff the development of CMSPs; but, itremains to be seen whether the request for federal funds willbe agreed to in this era of budget cutting.The next two years are to be spent on development, inthe regions, of a work plan and an initial regional planningprocess. Over the next three years, the regions should complete