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®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week

The Heartland Institute Reports on "Fat Tax" and America's War on Obesity
The Heartland Institute has published articles following various efforts by public health experts and public interest groups to reign in America's appetite for fatty foods, with a 2001 U.S. Surgeon General's report declaring obesity to be a "public health epidemic." For example, Heartland recently reported on the idea of a "fat tax" to compensate society for added costs of medical care related to obesity, an idea which they say goes back to 1967. It is also noted that trial lawyers are eager to advance this agenda (and earn considerable fees) by bringing lawsuits against the food industry, based upon the model of the States' Tobacco Litigation. Fat, in moderation, is essential to a healthful diet, so the idea of taxes, bans, or lawsuits related to specific food items can only lead to a regulatory morass. The public deserves reliable scientific information so that they can make informed nutrition choices, but ultimately, some modicum of personal responsibility and common sense must hold sway.

  • Read Food and Obesity articles by the Heartland Institute:

  • Anti-Obesity Activists Take Aim at the Food Industry
  • New Round Fired in Fat Wars
  • Food and Drink Police
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