®: CRE Regulatory Action of the Week
NHTSA Rulemaking Upgrading Tire Performance Standards Has Not Complied with the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has not complied with
the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act and OMB Circular A-119
in their rulemaking to upgrade tire performance standards. The Act and
Circular require that agencies use voluntary technical standards in regulations
unless doing so would be contrary to law or impractical. However, even though
a number of private consensus and consortia standards are available for adoption
by NHTSA, including a draft international standard the agency participated in
developing, NHTSA has proposed using a government-unique standard in the tire
standard regulation.
Click to read CRE letter to NHTSA
Click to read CRE paper documenting NHSTA's failure to comply
with the Technology Transfer Act
CRE Regulatory Services