Detailed below are the successful actions we have taken to turn around the UNEP report. Report of Parent May 5 Identical to Recommendation of Report of Co-chairs Report of Co-chairs May 3 [ Convention on Biological Diversity] Welcomes the report on the impacts of anthropogenic underwater noise on marine and coastal biodiversity (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/16/INF/12), and takes note of the key messages of the report ... Report of Work Group March 12 " It should be noted here that the overall high level of uncertainty that currently exists regarding many of the effects of anthropogenic noise on marine fauna means that it is very important to use a precautionary approach when undertaking noise emitting activities in the marine environment. The application of the precautionary principle to the issue of marine noise has been discussed in some detail. The precautionary approach may be inconvenient to those with narrow commercial interests, but precaution in the face of uncertainty is rational and is an approach that is now deeply embedded in the way that society operates. Reducing uncertainty by increasing our knowledge and understanding of the issue will be the best guard against excessive precaution and over-regulation. Note the conclusion of the parent and committee is "takes note" not adopt We posted our comments on CRE Brazil at https://www.thecre.com/sefIPD/?p=169 Please note that "take note" is a walk away statement because UNEP often makes a much stronger statement, for example: here is what they said in another proceeding
The bottom line is that we took a very negative report and convinced UNEP not to adopt it. https://www.thecre.com/sefIPD/?p=169 |