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IPD Recognition

EU–US Horizontal Regulatory Cooperation: Mutual Recognition Of Impact Assessment?

NYU Contraband
Website of York University’s Jack and Mae Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security. See under “Smuggling and Contraband Markets,

Ontario Beekeepers Association

Prime Time


The Architecture Board
The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) is using CRE’s materials in a filing with NIST. Attached are their comments in the proceeding, Recommendation for Random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators, which discusses our comments on SP 800-137.

Background information on the IAB may be found here,

University of Minnesota
CRE filed comments with EPA last year on the SAP meeting on the Pollinator Risk Assessment Framework. CRE’s comments are available online at the University of Minnesota’s Entomology department. See,

Thomas Reuters
The prestigous Thomas Reuters carried a story on their Sustainability wire, “Nanopesticides: weighing the risks and benefits in U.S. policy” that is available here, The story contains a link to a post on CRE’s ESA Pesticide IPD, thus further demonstrating Scott’s nanotechnology policy expertise. More specifically, the article states that “In 2011, the EPA approved the first nanosilver pesticide, AGS-20” The AGS-20 links to the following story on the IPD,

Bee Health
