European Commission Papers On Regulatory Governance

Dialog on Better Regulation
One of a series of dialogues organized by The European Policy Center in partnership with the US Mission to the EU.

  • Click to read about European-US dialog
  • European Commission Report on European Governance
    2002 Report on progress achieved with regard to governance initiatives and lessons drawn from public consultations.

  • Click to read the Report
  • European Commission Communication, "Towards a Reinforced Culture of Consultation and Dialog - General Principles and Minimum Standards for Consultation of Interested Parties by the Commission"
    Discussion of improvements in the Commission's consultation process.

  • Click to read the Communication
  • European Commission Communication, Consultation Document, "Towards a Reinforced Culture of Consultation and Dialog - Proposal for General Principles and Minimum Standards for Consultation of Interested Parties by the Commission"
    Proposal for improvements in the Commission's consultation process.

  • Click to read the Proposal
  • European Commission Communication, "Communication from the Commission of Impact Assessment"
    Discussed the Commission's plans for implementing use of impact assessment as a tool to improve the quality and coherence of the policy development process.

  • Click to read the Communication
  • European Commission White Paper on European Governance.
    The Paper contains a set of recommendations on how to enhance democracy in Europe and increase the legitimacy of the institutions.

  • Click to read White Paper
  • European Commission Communication, "The Operating Framework for European Regulatory Agencies"
    A framework with detailed criteria concerning the creation of regulatory agencies, their functioning and the control mechanisms.

  • Click to read Framework
  • European Commission Communication, Action Plan: "Simplifying and Improving the Regulatory Environment"
    A strategy for coordinated action to simplify the regulatory environment.

  • Click to read Action Plan
  • European Parliament, Committee on Legal Affairs and the Internal Market, Draft Report on the Commission Communication on Simplifying and Improving the Regulatory Environment

  • Click to read Draft Report
  • Mandelkern Group Report on Better Regulation The Group, established by Ministers of Public Administration from across the EU, was charged with preparing an initial and final report on improving regulatory quality.

  • Click to read Initial Report

  • Click to read Final Report
  • European Economic and Social Committee Opinion on Regulatory Simplification
    Addresses the "manifest need for a fundamental overhaul of the regulatory framework within the European Union"

  • Click to read Opinion
  • Patrick ten Brink, "The Benefits from the Implementation of the EU Environmental Acquis in the Candidate Countries," INTERECONOMICS - Review of European Economic Policy, Volume 37, Number 6, November/December 2002, pp. 287-292. Discussion of the benefits to EU candidate countries from implementing the EU's environmental legislation and practices.

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