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    FACA Reform and Interactive Public Dockets: Revitalizing Agency Use of Science

    CRE has filed comments with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on the President’s memorandum on Transparency and Open Government. In the comments, CRE explains how reform of advisory committees and the use of Interactive Public Dockets (IPDs) can revitalize agency use of science.

    The comments explain that GAO has long recognized the serious problems in balance, transparency and bias associated with FACA committees. CRE then provides a case study using NOAA’s Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Federal Advisory Committee. The comments detail two types of problems associated with the MPA committee; lack of transparency and balance, and agency misuse of an advisory committee.

    CRE recommends specific actions that the Administration should take to restore scientific integrity and public confidence to advisory committees.

    The comments also explain how the use of IPDs, which allow all stakeholder to transparently participate in federal proceedings on a 24/7 basis can help fulfill the President’s transparency goals. Of particular note is the ability of IPDs to serve as: 1) a mechanism for providing data to federal agencies on an ongoing basis; and 2) a forum for public vetting of all data submitted to agencies.

  • Click here for CRE Comments to OSTP

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