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    NIEHS and NTP Putting Together Workshop to Advise On Government Mixtures Research
    The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the Division of Extramural Research and Training, and the National Toxicology Program request input for identification of key research areas in mixtures. The information provided "will be used in planning a workshop for late summer 2011 to help inform the development of intramural and extramural research efforts that address the combined health effects of multiple environmental exposures ("mixtures'')."

    Responsive information should be sent on-line at the Mixtures Request for Information Web page ( rfimix)by April 15, 2011.

    The agencies' Federal Register notice states that

      The overarching goals of this workshop are to foster discussion on the approaches, infrastructure, and resources needed to make progress and to identify new scientific opportunities by applying innovative tools to the field of mixtures research. Additionally, the workshop should provide opportunities for development of collaborations and foster multidisciplinary interactions among the mixtures scientific community. The workshop will bring together experts from multiple disciplines including, but not limited to, exposure assessment, risk assessment, biostatistics, toxicology, biology, regulatory science, and epidemiology."

    The agencies' notice does not explain whether they consider this workshop to be a FACA committee. It looks like a FACA committee based on its Federal Register description.

  • Click here to read Federal Register notice
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