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    Treasury's Debt Management Advisory Committee Holds Closed Meeting
    The Committee of The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association will meet at the Hay-Adams Hotel, 16th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW., Washington, DC, on July 31, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. This Committee is part of Treasury Department's Debt Management Advisory Committee. The agenda for the meeting provides for a charge by the Secretary of the Treasury or his designate that the Committee discuss particular issues and conduct a working session. Following the working session, the Committee will present a written report of its recommendations. The meeting will be closed to the public, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. App. 2, § 10(d) and Public Law 103-202, § 202(c)(1)(B) (31 U.S.C. 3121 note). Treasury staff will provide a technical briefing to the press on the day before the Committee meeting, following the release of a statement of economic conditions and financing estimates. This briefing will give the press an opportunity to ask questions about financing projections. The day after the Committee meeting, Treasury will release the minutes of the meeting, any charts that were discussed at the meeting, and the Committee's report to the Secretary.

  • Click here for Federal Register notice of meeting.
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