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    FDA Requests Nominations for Tobacco Science Advisory Committee
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration requests nominations for voting members to serve on the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee, Office of Science, Center for Tobacco Products. FDA seeks to include the views of women and men, members of all racial and ethnic groups, and individuals with and without disabilities on its advisory committees and, therefore encourages nominations of appropriately qualified candidates from these groups.

    Nominations received on or before January 15, 2016 will be given first consideration for membership on the Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee. Nominations received after January 15, 2016 will be considered for nomination to the committee as later vacancies occur.

    All nominations for membership should be sent electronically by logging into the FDA Advisory Committee Membership Nomination Portal or by mail to Advisory Committee Oversight and Management Staff, Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 32, Rm. 5103, Silver Spring, MD 20993–0002.

  • Click here for more information.
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