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    NGAC Meeting
    The U.S. NationalGeospatial Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 8, 2019 from 1:00 4:30 p.m., (Eastern Standard Time).The meeting will be held via web conference and teleconference.Send your comments to Group Federal Officer by email to

    The NGACprovides advice and recommendationsrelated to the management of Federaland national geospatial programs, thedevelopment of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, andimplementation of the Geospatial DataAct (GDA) of 2018. The NGAC reviewsand comments on geospatial policy andmanagement issues and provides aforum to convey views representative ofnon-federal stakeholders in thegeospatial community. The NGACmeeting is one of the primary ways thatthe FGDC collaborates with its broadnetwork of partners.

    Additional information about the NGAC meeting isavailable at:

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