Dear Mr. Slaughter,


Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your letter and white paper.


Firstly, with regards to Werner Kloas, my statements have been somewhat misrepresented in your letter. It is MY OPINION that Dr. Kloas’ involvement with Syngenta is inappropriate. Regardless of whether or not a deal was struck before the SAP or after, the very potential for a panel member to benefit from one outcome or another generates problems with the integrity of the process. Imagine if jurors in criminal trials could be hired by the accused (with lucrative contracts) by concluding “not enough evidence”. Again, I am not accusing anyone of anything, it is simply my opinion that it is inappropriate, especially given the many other influences that industry has over the process. This is also not a criticism of the EPA, SAP, or their processes. Syngenta can hire whomever they want. Similarly, Dr. Kloas can work for whomever he wants. In my opinion, Dr. Kloas made a poor decision. As you point out, this important “world-renowned expert” is now no longer eligible to serve on the SAP.


Secondly, with regards to the quality of the Syngenta-funded work, I have already addressed these issues in the Bioscience paper that you cite. Please note that even Syngenta said, “That study is crap, Tyrone, and you know it” (Tim Pastoor, Dec 13, 2005), regarding the EcoRisk studies that they funded (this statement was made to me during the very same APHA conference that you discuss in your letter). So, it is more than just MY opinion.


Thirdly, you must keep in mind that much of the criticisms you cite regarding my work are “expert opinions”, not facts. In some cases, my expert opinion is the same, in others I disagree. Some of the issues are important and some are not. For example, the suggested use of flow-through water is primarily based on practicality, not science. Atrazine is fairly stable and static conditions more closely mimic what tadpoles would experience in a pond in the wild. Static renewal is labor intensive, however, which is why flow-through is recommended. With regards to the other criticisms, you must understand that no scientific study is perfect…no matter who conducts it, no matter who funds it, no matter how much it costs. I used three pairs of animals in each of the two experiments published in the PNAS paper (so, six pairs and the animals in the two different experiments were from two different sources). What if I had used 10, or 100, or 1000, or 10,000? Different experts will have different opinions based on different considerations, but none would be perfect. Regarding measuring “critical parameters”, what if I measured 3, 5, or 1000 parameters? Or in my field studies, what if I measured atrazine 10 times, 1000 times? And should I collect from 100 sites, 10,000 sites? You see? These are all just opinions. However, when multiple laboratories generate similar data (especially given all of the variations and “flaws” in our studies), combined, these data strongly suggest that atrazine is a problem. It is a mistake to focus on any single study. It is also a mistake to focus on the differences and variations in experimental design between studies. The focus should be on the similarities in the findings, despite the differences in design. As James Carr (a member of the Syngenta-funded EcoRisk Inc.) wrote, “… the important issue is for everyone involved to come to grips with (and stop minimizing) the fact that independent laboratories have demonstrated an effect of atrazine on gonadal differentiation in frogs. There is no denying this.” (James Carr, Feb. 14, 2003).


Fourthly, and most importantly, the CRE, like the EPA, continues to focus on the wrong questions. The question is not whether or not Tyrone’s studies are correct (again there is no perfect study), nor is the important question whether atrazine affects frogs. The important question is whether the frog studies, despite their flaws, reflect results in other vertebrates, including humans. The important question is: “Is atrazine a potent endocrine disruptor that affects wildlife and humans?” The amphibian data simply support findings in every vertebrate class examined. Atrazine exposure is associated with demasculinization (chemical castration) and feminization in every vertebrate class examined (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, including humans). Effects include reduced fertility and feminization in males and reproductive cancers in rodents and humans. The induction of aromatase (the enzyme that converts androgens into estrogens) and the decrease in testosterone and increase in estrogen has similarly been demonstrated. Even an EPA laboratory, which showed that atrazine causes a decrease in testosterone and an increase estrogens in rodents, concluded that “atrazine tested positive in the pubertal male screen that the EDSTAC (EPA Endocrine Screening and Testing Advisory Committee) is considering as an optional screen for endocrine disruptors” (parenthetical phrases mine) as early as 2000 (Stoker et al, 2000).


Though the regulatory branch of the EPA has NEVER asked this important question, they have denied that the evidence even exists: “It has been claimed that research on frogs shows that atrazine causes changes in the production of aromatase, an enzyme that is involved in the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. It has also been claimed that other scientists have shown similar effects in other species … There is no direct scientific information to assess this hypothesis.” (Statement of Anne Lindsay before the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee of the Minnesota House of Representatives, Feb. 16, 2005).  The “scientific information to assess this hypothesis” is represented by more than 40 publications, some of which are listed below (out of the 40+, I have only listed six of my own).



So, again, focusing on my work is a mistake. Can all of these studies, conducted by independent laboratories, all on different animal models, tissues and cell lines, under varying conditions, all come to these conclusions as a matter of coincidence? Or is atrazine a potent endocrine disruptor that both chemically castrates and feminizes exposed animals? THAT is the question that we should be asking.




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