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Executive Order:
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
No. 12876, 58 Fed. Reg. 58735 (Issued 11/1/93)

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitutionand the laws of the United States of America, in order to advancethe development of human potential, to strengthen the capacity ofhistorically Black colleges and universities to provide qualityeducation, and to increase opportunities to participate in andbenefit from Federal programs, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. There shall be established in the Department of Education the President's Board of Advisors on Historically Black Colleges and Universities ("Board of Advisors" or "Board), aPresidential advisory committee. The Board of Advisors shallissue an annual report to the President on participation byhistorically Black colleges and universities in federally sponsored programs. The Board of Advisors will also provide advice to the Secretary of Education ("Secretary") and in the annual report to the President on how to increase the private sector role in strengthening historically Black colleges and universities, with particular emphasis on enhancing institutionalinfrastructure and facilitating planning, development, and theuse of new technologies to ensure the goal of long-term viabilityand enhancement of these institutions. Notwithstanding theprovisions of any other Executive order, the responsibilities ofthe President under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, asamended (5 U.S.C. App. 2), which is applicable to the Board ofAdvisors, shall be performed by the Secretary, in accordance withthe guidelines and procedures established by the Administrator ofGeneral Services.

Section 2. The members of the Board of Advisors shall be appointed by the President. The Board shall include representatives of historically Black colleges and universities, other institutionsof higher education, business and financial institutions, private foundations, and secondary education.

Section 3. The White House Initiative on Historically Black Collegesand Universities, housed in the Department of Education, shall:

  1. Provide the staff, resources, and assistance for the Board ofAdvisors;
  2. Assist the Secretary in the role of liaison betweenthe executive branch and historically Black colleges anduniversities; and
  3. Serve the Secretary in carrying out hisresponsibilities under this order.

Section 4.To carry out the purposes of this order, each executivedepartment and each agency designated by the Secretary shall,consistent with applicable law, enter into appropriate grants,contracts, or cooperative agreements with historically Blackcolleges and universities. The head of each agency subject tothis order shall establish an annual goal for the amount of fundsto be awarded in grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements tohistorically Black colleges and universities. Consistent with thefunds available to the agency, the goal shall be an amount abovethe actual amount of such awards from the previous fiscal yearand shall represent a substantial effort to increase the amountsavailable to historically Black colleges and universities forgrants, contracts, or cooperative agreements. In order tofacilitate the attainment of the goals established by thissection the head of each agency subject to this order shallprovide technical assistance and information to historicallyBlack colleges and universities regarding the program activitiesof the agency and the preparation of applications or proposalsfor grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements.

Section 5. Each executive department and designated agency shall appoint a senior official, who is a full-time officer of theFederal G


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