Emergencies and Disasters

Red, White, and Blue Bar


    Flood Control Act of 1944, summary

16 USC 460d, 58 Stat. 887, P.L. 78-534 (Fish and Wildlife Service)

    Flood Control Act of 1944, summary as amended

16 USC 460d, 58 Stat. 887 (Bureau of Reclamation, DOI)

    Temporary Emergency Wildfire Suppression Act

42 USC 1856a (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA), summary

42 USC 11001 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA), summary

42 USC 11001 (Bureau of Reclamation, DOI)

    International Emergency Economic Powers Act

50 USC 1701 (Cornell Legal Information Institute)

    Fire Control Authorities (Fish and Wildlife Service)


    E.O. 11095, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Federal Power Commission, the Director of the National Science Foundation, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11094, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Farm Credit Administration, the Export-Import Bank of Washington, the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Administrator of the Small Business Administration, the Administrator of Veterans Affairs, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11093, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Administrator of General Services, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11092, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Federal Communications Commission, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11091, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Civil Service Commission, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11090, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Civil Aeronautics Board, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11089, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Atomic Energy Commission, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11088, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of the Treasury, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11087, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of State, February 26, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11084, Amending Executive Order No. 10995 Relating to Telecommunications, February 15, 1963 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11051, Prescribing Responsibilities of the Office of Emergency Planning in the Executive Office of the President, September 27, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11005, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Interstate Commerce Commission, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11004, Assigning Certain Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Housing and Home Finance Administrator, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11003, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11002, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Postmaster General, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11001, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 11000, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Labor, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10999, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Commerce, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10998, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Agriculture, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10997, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of the Interior, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10995, Assigning Telecommunications Management Functions, February 16, 1962 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10958, Delegating Functions Respecting Civil Defense Stockpiles of Medical Supplies and Equipment and Food, August 14, 1961 (University of Michigan)

    E.O. 10952, Assigning Civil Defense Responsibilities to the Secretary of Defense and Others, July 20, 1961 (University of Michigan)

12 CFR Parts 22, 208, 339, 563, 572, 614, and 760 (Federal Emergency Management Agency)


    Federal Emergency Management Agency

    Learning Resource Center - 50,00 titles (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

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