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employment law: an overview

Employment law is a broad area encompassing all areas of the employer/employee relationship except the negotiation process covered by labor law and collective bargaining. See, Labor Law & Collective Bargaining and Arbitration. Employment law consists of thousands of Federal and state statutes, administrative regulations, and judicial decisions. Many employment laws (e.g., minimum wage regulations) were enacted as protective labor legislation. Other employment laws take the form of public insurance, such as unemployment compensation.

Specific areas within the broad category of employment law covered under their own topical entries include:


menu of sources

Federal Material

    Federal Statutes
    Federal Agency Regulations
    Federal Judicial Decisions
State Material

    State Statutes
    State Judicial Decisions
International Material

    Conventions and Treaties
Other References

    Key Internet Sources
    Useful Offnet (or Subscription - $) Sources
  • Good Starting Point in Print: Mark A. Rothstein et al., Rothstein, Craver, Schroeder, Shoben, and Vander Velde's Hornbook on Employment Law, West Group (1994)

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