Executive Order 11103


     By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Civil Service Act (22 Stat. 403), and section 1753 of the Revised Statutes, and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:

     SECTION 1. Under such regulations as the Civil Service Commission may prescribe, the head of any agency in the Executive Branch may appoint in the competitive service any person who is certified by the Director of the Peace Corps as having served satisfactorily as a Volunteer or Volunteer Leader under the Peace Corps Act and who passes such examination as the Civil Service Commission may prescribe. Any person so appointed shall, upon completion of the prescribed probationary period, acquire a competitive status.

     SEC. 2. The head of any agency in the Executive Branch having an established merit system in the excepted service may appoint in such service any person who is certified by the Director of the Peace Corps as having served satisfactorily as a Volunteer or Volunteer Leader under the Peace Corps Act and who passes such examination as such agency head may prescribe.

     SEC. 3. Certificates of satisfactory service for the purposes of this Order shall be issued only to persons who have completed a full term of service (approximately two years) under the Peace Corps Act: Provided, That such certificates may be issued to persons who have completed a lesser period of satisfactory service if, in the judgment of the Director of the Peace Corps, (1) their service was of sufficient duration to demonstrate their capability to complete satisfactorily a full term, and (2) their failure to complete a full term was due to circumstances beyond their control.

     SEC. 4. Any appointment under this Order shall be effected within a period of one year after completion of the appointee's service under the Peace Corps Act: Provided, That such period may be extended to not more than three years in the case of persons who, following such service, are engaged in military service, in the pursuit of studies at a recognized institution of higher learning, or in other activities which. in the view of the appointing authority, warrant an extension of such period.

     SEC. 5. Any law, Executive Order, or regulation which would disqualify an applicant for appointment in the competitive service or in the excepted service concerned shall also disqualify an applicant for appointment under this Order.


April 10, 1963.