Executive Order 11117


     WHEREAS it is vital that the United States be constantly informed concerning all events, activities, and conditions that might have a potential effect upon the foreign relations of this Nation and the well-being of its people; and

     WHEREAS international amateur athletic competitions and related activities conducted by private individuals and organizations free from government sponsorship, interference, or control frequently make significant contributions to international good will and elevate standards of physical welfare throughout the world; and

     WHEREAS these activities merit sympathetic attention and encouragement by the United States; and

     WHEREAS it would be advantageous for the Department of State to have the advice and assistance of other departments and agencies in discharging its responsibilities in this regard:

     NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:

     Section 1 (a) . There is hereby established the Interagency Committee on International Athletics. The Committee shall collect, exchange, and review information concerning amateur athletic matters that might tend to affect the foreign relations or general welfare of the United States. The Committee shall be composed of representatives to be designated by the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (in his capacity as Chairman of the President's Council on Physical Fitness), and the heads of such other departments and agencies as the President may from time to time designate, or as may be invited to participate in the activities of the Committee upon its request. The head of each department or agency represented on the Committee shall designate one or more alternates. The representative of the Department of State shall serve as chairman of the Committee.

     (b) As deemed necessary to facilitate its work, the Committee may request any executive department or agency whose activities have significant implications for the work of the Committee to designate a liaison officer to consult with and advise the Committee.

     (c) The departments and agencies represented on the Committee shall, in accordance with law, furnish such assistance as may be required for the work of the Committee, in conformity with section 214 of the Act of May 3, 1945 (59 Stat. 134, 81 U.S.C. 691).

     SEC. 2. To facilitate the collection, coordination, and review of information by the Committee, the Committee may request information and views from Federal departments and agencies and from such organizations and individuals as may be willing and able to provide information pertaining to its work. The Committee shall, from time to time, submit reports and recommendations, as appropriate, to the President and to the Secretary of State, and shall keep officials of the departments and agencies represented on the Committee currently informed of its activities.

     SEC. 3. The representative of the Department of State, in addition to serving as chairman, shall have primary responsibility for the collection of comprehensive information on current and impending developments pertaining to amateur athletics, and he shall make such information available to the Committee.


August 13, 1963.