Digest of Federal Resource Laws of Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Wetlands Loan Act

Wetlands Loan Act (16 USC 715k-3 - 715k-5) -- Public Law 87-383, approved October 4, 1961, (75 Stat. 813) authorized an advance of funds against future revenues from sale of "duck stamps" as a means of accelerating the acquisition of migratory waterfowl habitat.

Public Law 90-205, approved December 15, 1969, (81 Stat. 612) and P.L. 94-215, approved February 18, 1976, (90 Stat. 189) increased the loan ceiling to $200 million and extended the loan through September 30, 1983.

Advances were to be repaid to the Treasury using "duck stamp" receipts beginning in FY 1984, or upon appropriation of the entire $200 million if done prior to FY 1984. Funds appropriated are merged with "duck stamp" receipts in the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund (see entry "Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Act") and used for acquisition of migratory bird refuges and waterfowl production areas (see entry "Migratory Bird Conservation Act").

Public Law 98-200, approved December 2, 1983, (97 Stat. 1373) extended the Act through September 29, 1984.

Public Law 98-548, approved October 26, 1984, (98 Stat. 2774) extended the Act through September 30, 1986.

Public Law 99-645, approved November 10, 1986, (100 Stat. 3584) forgave the wetlands loan advances and extended the appropriation authorization through September 30, 1988.

Public Law 100-653, approved November 11, 1988 (102 Stat. 3827), extended the loan authorization until all authorized amounts are expended. As of FY 1989, approximately $197,439,000 had been appropriated under this authority.

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