/* Written  4:44 pm  May 23, 1995 by afmgr@osiris.cso.uiuc.edu in osiris:subject.regs.orders */
/* ---------- "Executive Order 12114" ---------- */



HISTORY:    Jan. 4, 1979; 44 FR 1957, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 356

   By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the 
laws of the United States, and as President of the United States, in 
order to further environmental objectives consistent with the foreign 
policy and national security policy of the United States, it is ordered 
as follows: 

Section 1

Section 11-1. Purpose and Scope.

   The purpose of this Executive Order is to enable responsible 
officials of Federal agencies having ultimate responsibility for 
authorizing and approving actions encompassed by this Order to be 
informed of pertinent environmental considerations and to take such 
considerations into account, with other pertinent considerations of 
national policy in making decisions regarding such actions. While based 
on independent authority, this Order furthers the purpose of the 
National Environmental Policy Act and the Marine Protection Research and 
Sanctuaries Act and the Deepwater Port Act consistent with the foreign 
policy and national security policy of the United States and represents 
the United States government's exclusive and complete determination of 
the procedural and other actions to be taken by Federal agencies to 
further the purpose of the National Environmental Policy Act, with 
respect to the environment outside the United States, its territories 
and possessions. 

Sec. 2

2-1. Agency Procedures.

   Every Federal agency taking major Federal actions encompassed hereby 
and not exempted herefrom having significant effects on the environment 
outside the geographical borders of the United States and its 
territories and possessions shall within eight months after the 
effective date of this Order have in effect procedures to implement this 
Order. Agencies shall consult with the Department of State and the 
Council on Environmental Quality concerning such procedures prior to 
placing them in effect. 

2-2. Information Exchange.

   To assist in effectuating the foregoing purpose, the Department of 
State and the Council on Environmental Quality in collaboration with 
other interested Federal agencies and other nations shall conduct a 
program for exchange on a continuing basis of information concerning the 
environment. The objectives of this program shall be to provide 
information for use by decisionmakers, to heighten awareness of and 
interest in environmental concerns and, as appropriate, to facilitate 
environmental cooperation with foreign nations. 

2-3 Actions Included.

   Agencies in their procedures under Section 2-1 shall establish 
procedures by which their officers having ultimate responsibility for 
authorizing and approving actions in one of the following categories 
encompassed by this Order, take into consideration in making decisions 
concerning such actions, a document described in Section 2-4(a): 

   (a) major Federal actions significantly affecting the environment of 
the global commons outside the jurisdiction of any nation (e.g., the 
oceans or Antarctica;) 

   (b) major Federal actions significantly affecting the environment of 
a foreign nation not participating with the United States and not 
otherwise involved in the action; 

   (c) major Federal actions significantly affecting the environment of 
a foreign nation which provide to that nation: 

   (1) a product or physical project producing a principal product or an 
emission or effluent which is prohibited or strictly regulated by 
Federal law in the United States because its toxic effects on the 
environment create a serious public health risk; or 

   (2) a physical project which in the United States is prohibited or 
strictly regulated by Federal law to protect the environment against 
radioactive substances. 

   (d) major Federal actions outside the United States, its territories 
and possessions which significantly affect natural or ecological 
resources of global importance designated for protection under this 
subsection by the President, or, in the case of such a resource 
protected by international agreements binding on the United States by 
the Secretary of State. Recommendations to the President under this 
subsection shall be accompanied by the views of the Council of 
Environmental Quality and the Secretary of State. 

2-4 Applicable Procedures.

   (a) There are the following types of documents to be used in 
connection with actions described in Section 2-3; 

   (i) environmental impact statements (including generic program and 
specific statements); 

   (ii) bilateral or multilateral environmental studies, relevant or 
related to the proposed action, by the United States and one more 
foreign nations, or by an international body or organization in which 
the United States is a member or participant; or 

   (iii) concise reviews of the environmental, issues involved, 
including environmental assessments, summary environmental analyses or 
other appropriate documents. 

   (b) Agencies shall in their procedures provide for preparation of 
documents described in Section 2-4(a), with respect to actions described 
in Section 2-3 as follows: 

   (i) for effects described in Section 2-3(a), an environmental impact 
statement described in Section 2-4(a)(1). 

   (ii) for effects described in Section 2-3(b), a document described in 
Section 2-4(a)(ii) or (iii), as determined by the agency; 

   (iii) for effects described in Section 2-3(c), a document described 
in Section 2-4(a)(ii) or (iii), as determined by the agency; 

   (iv) for effects described in Section 2-3(d), a document described in 
Section 2-4(a)(i), (ii) or (iii), as determined by the agency. Such 
procedures may provide that an agency need not prepare a new document 
when a document described in Section 2-4(a) already exists. 

   (c) Nothing in this Order shall serve to invalidate any existing 
regulations of any agency which have been adopted pursuant to court 
order or pursuant to judicial settlement of any case or to prevent any 
agency from providing in its procedures for measures in addition to 
those provided for herein to further the purpose of the National 
Environmental Policy Act and other environmental laws, including the 
Marine Protection Research and Sanctuaries Act and the Deepwater Port 
Act, consistent with the foreign and national security policies of the 
United States. 

   (d) Except as provided in Section 2-5(b), agencies taking action 
encompassed by this Order shall, as soon as feasible, inform other 
Federal agencies with relevant expertise of the availability of 
environmental documents prepared under this Order. 

   Agencies in their procedures under Section 2-1 shall make appropriate 
provision for determining when an affected nation shall be informed in 
accordance with Section 3-2 of this Order of the availability of 
environmental documents prepared pursuant to those procedures. 

   In order to avoid duplication of resources, agencies in their 
procedures shall provide for appropriate utilization of the resources of 
other Federal agencies with relevant environmental jurisdiction or 

2-5 Exemptions and Considerations.

   (a) Notwithstanding Section 2-3, the following actions are exempt 
from this Order; 

   (i) actions not having a significant effect on the environment 
outside the United States as determined by the agency; 

   (ii) actions taken by the President; 

   (iii) actions taken by or pursuant to the direction of the President 
or Cabinet officer when the national security or interest is involved or 
when the action occurs in the course of an armed conflict; 

   (iv) intelligence activities and arms transfers; 

   (v) export licenses or permits or export approvals, and actions 
relating to nuclear activities except actions providing to a foreign 
nation a nuclear production or utilization facility as defined in the 
Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, or a nuclear waste management 

   (vi) votes and other actions in international conferences and 

   (vii) disaster and emergency relief action. 

   (b) Agency procedures under Section 2-1 implementing Section 2-4 may 
provide for appropriate modifications in the contents, timing and 
availability of documents to other affected Federal agencies and 
affected nations, where necessary to: 

   (i) enable the agency to decide and act promptly as and when 

   (ii) avoid adverse impacts on foreign relations or infringement in 
fact or appearance of other nations, sovereign responsibilities, or 

   (iii) ensure appropriate reflection of: 

   (1) diplomatic factors; 

   (2) international commercial, competitive and export promotion 

   (3) needs for governmental or commercial confidentiality; 

   (4) national security considerations; 

   (5) difficulties of obtaining information and agency ability to 
analyze meaning-fully environmental effects of a proposed action; and 

   (6) the degree to which the agency is involved in or able to affect a 
decision to be made. 

   (c) Agency procedure under Section 2-1 may provide for categorical 
exclusions and for such exemptions in addition to those specified in 
subsection (a) of this Section as may be necessary to meet emergency 
circumstances, situations involving exceptional foreign policy and 
national security sensitivity and other such special circumstances. In 
utilizing such additional exemptions agencies shall, as soon as 
feasible, consult with the Department of State and the Council on 
Environmental Quality. 

   (d) The provisions of Section 2-5 do not apply to actions described 
in Section 2-3(a) unless permitted by law. 

Sec. 3.

3-1. Rights of Action.

   This Order is solely for the purpose of establishing internal 
procedures for Federal agencies to consider the significant effects of 
their actions on the environment outside the United States, its 
territories and possessions, and nothing in this Order shall be 
construed to create a cause of action. 

3-2. Foreign Relations.

   The Department of State shall coordinate all communications by 
agencies with foreign governments concerning environmental agreements 
and other arrangements in implementation of this Order. 

3-3. Multi-Agency Actions.

   Where more than one Federal agency is involved in an action or 
program, a lead agency, as determined by the agencies involved, shall 
have responsibility for implementation of this Order. 

3-4. Certain Terms.

   For purposes of this Order, "environment" means the natural and 
physical environment and excludes social, economic and other 
environments; and an action significantly affects the environment if it 
does significant harm to the environment even though on balance the 
agency believes the action to be beneficial to the environment. The term 
"export approvals" in Section 2-5(a)(v) does not mean or include direct 
loans to finance exports. 

3-5. Multiple Imports.

   If a major Federal action having effects on the environment of the 
United States or the global commons requires preparation of an 
environmental impact statement, and if the action also has effects on 
the environment of a foreign nation, an environmental impact statement 
need not be prepared with respect to the effects on the environment of 
the foreign nation. 

/s/ Jimmy Carter
January 4, 1979

/* End of text from osiris:subject.regs.orders */