Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release                                      July 26, 1997

                         EXECUTIVE ORDER 13057

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     By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution 
and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to ensure 
that Federal agency actions protect the extraordinary natural, 
recreational, and ecological resources in the Lake Tahoe Region 
("Region") (as defined by Public Law 91-148), an area of national 
concern, it is hereby ordered as follows:

 Section 1.  Tahoe Federal Interagency Partnership.

 1-101. The Federal agencies and departments having principal management
or jurisdictional authorities in the Lake Tahoe Region are directed to 
establish a Federal Interagency Partnership on the Lake Tahoe Ecosystem 

 1-102. Members of the Partnership shall include the Secretary of 
Agriculture, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of 
Transportation, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection 
Agency, the Secretary of the Army, and the heads of any other Federal 
agencies operating in the Region that choose to participate.  
Representation on the Partnership may be delegated.  The Partnership 
shall be chaired by the Secretary of Agriculture for the first year 
after its establishment.  The Chair of the Partnership shall 
thereafter be rotated among the members on an annual basis.

1-103. The Partnership will:

(a) facilitate coordination of Federal programs, projects, and 
activities within the Lake Tahoe Region and promotion of consistent 
policies and strategies to address the Region's environmental and 
economic concerns;

(b) encourage Federal agencies within the Region to coordinate and 
share resources and data, avoid unnecessary duplication of Federal 
efforts, and eliminate inefficiencies in Federal action to the 
greatest extent feasible;

(c) ensure that Federal agencies closely coordinate with the States 
of California and Nevada and appropriate tribal or local government 
entities to facilitate the achievement of desired terrestrial and 
aquatic ecosystem conditions and the enhancement of recreation, 
tourism, and other economic opportunities within the Region;

(d) support appropriate regional programs and studies needed to attain 
environmental threshold standards for water quality, transportation, 
air quality, vegetation, soils (stream environment zone restoration), 
wildlife habitat, fish habitat, scenic resources, recreation, and 

(e) encourage the development of appropriate public, private, and 
tribal partnerships for the restoration and management of the Lake 
Tahoe ecosystem and the health of the local economy;

(f) support appropriate actions to improve the water quality of Lake 
Tahoe through all appropriate means, including restoration of 
shorelines, streams, riparian zones, wetlands, and other parts of the 
watershed; management of uses of the lake; and control of airborne 
and other sources of contaminants;

(g) encourage the development of appropriate vegetative management 
actions necessary to attain a healthy Lake Tahoe ecosystem, including 
a program of revegetation, road maintenance, obliteration, and 
promotion of forest health;

(h) support appropriate regional transportation and air quality goals, 
programs, and studies for the Region;

(i) support appropriate fisheries and wildlife habitat restoration 
programs for the Region, including programs for endangered species 
and uncommon species;

(j) facilitate coordination of research and monitoring activities for 
purposes of developing a common natural resources data base and 
geographic information system capability, in cooperation with 
appropriate regional and local colleges and universities;

(k) support development of and communication about appropriate 
recreation plans and programs, appropriate scenic quality improvement 
programs, and recognition for traditional Washoe tribal uses;

(l) support regional partnership efforts to inform the public of the 
values of managing the Lake Tahoe Region to achieve environmental 
and economic goals;

(m) explore opportunities for public involvement in achieving its 
activities; and

(n)  explore opportunities for assisting regional governments in 
their efforts.

 1-104. The Partnership will report back to the President in 90 days 
on the implementation of the terms of this order.

 Sec. 2. Memorandum of Agreement.

 2-201. The Partnership shall negotiate a Memorandum of Agreement with 
the States of California and Nevada, the Washoe Tribal Government, 
the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, and interested local governments.

 2-202. The Memorandum of Agreement shall be designed to facilitate 
coordination among the parties to the Agreement, and shall document 
areas of mutual interest and concern and opportunities for cooperation,
support, or assistance.

 Sec. 3.  General Provisions.

 3-301. The Chair of the Partnership shall advise the President 
on the implementation of this order.  The Chair may recommend other 
administrative actions that may be taken to improve the coordination 
of agency actions and decisions whenever such coordination would 
protect and enhance the Region's natural, ecological, and 
economic values.

 3-302. Nothing in this order shall be construed to limit, delay, or 
prohibit any agency action that is essential for the protection of 
public health or safety, for national security, or for the maintenance 
or rehabilitation of environmental quality within the Region.

 3-303. Nothing in this order is intended to create, and this order 
does not create, any right to administrative or judicial review, or 
any other right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by 
a party against the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities,
its officers or employees, or any other person.


       July 26, 1997.

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