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TITLE 42 > CHAPTER 20 > SUBCHAPTER I-G > Sec. 1973ff. Next

Sec. 1973ff. - Federal responsibilities

(a) Presidential designee

The President shall designate the head of an executive department to have primary responsibility for Federal functions under this subchapter.

(b) Duties of Presidential designee

The Presidential designee shall -


consult State and local election officials in carrying out this subchapter;


prescribe an official post card form, containing both an absentee voter registration application and an absentee ballot application, for use by the States as recommended in section 1973ff-3 of this title;


carry out section 1973ff-2 of this title with respect to the Federal write-in absentee ballot for overseas voters in general elections for Federal office;


prescribe a suggested design for absentee ballot mailing envelopes for use by the States as recommended in section 1973ff-3 of this title;


compile and distribute


descriptive material on State absentee registration and voting procedures, and


to the extent practicable, facts relating to specific elections, including dates, offices involved, and the text of ballot questions; and


not later than the end of each year after a Presidential election year, transmit to the President and the Congress a report on the effectiveness of assistance under this subchapter, including a statistical analysis of uniformed services voter participation, a general assessment of overseas nonmilitary participation, and a description of State-Federal cooperation.

(c) Duties of other Federal officials

(1) In general

The head of each Government department, agency, or other entity shall, upon request of the Presidential designee, distribute balloting materials and otherwise cooperate in carrying out this subchapter.

(2) Administrator of General Services

As directed by the Presidential designee, the Administrator of General Services shall furnish official post card forms (prescribed under subsection (b) of this section) and Federal write-in absentee ballots (prescribed under section 1973ff-2 of this title)


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