Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release                                   November 1, 1993
                         EXECUTIVE ORDER 12876
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       By the authority vested in me as President by the 
  Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, 
  in order to advance the development of human potential, to 
  strengthen the capacity of historically Black colleges and 
  universities to provide quality education, and to increase 
  opportunities to participate in and benefit from Federal 
  programs, it is hereby ordered as follows:
       Section 1.  There shall be established in the Department 
  of Education the President's Board of Advisors on Historically 
  Black Colleges and Universities ("Board of Advisors" or 
  "Board"), a Presidential advisory committee.  The Board of 
  Advisors shall issue an annual report to the President on 
  participation by historically Black colleges and universities 
  in federally sponsored programs.  The Board of Advisors will 
  also provide advice to the Secretary of Education ("Secretary") 
  and in the annual report to the President on how to increase 
  the private sector role in strengthening historically Black 
  colleges and universities, with particular emphasis on enhancing 
  institutional infrastructure and facilitating planning, 
  development, and the use of new technologies to ensure the goal 
  of long-term viability and enhancement of these institutions.  
  Notwithstanding the provisions of any other Executive order, the 
  responsibilities of the President under the Federal Advisory 
  Committee Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. App. 2), which is applicable 
  to the Board of Advisors, shall be performed by the Secretary, 
  in accordance with the guidelines and procedures established by 
  the Administrator of General Services.
       Sec. 2.  The members of the Board of Advisors shall be 
  appointed by the President.  The Board shall include 
  representatives of historically Black colleges and universities, 
  other institutions of higher education, business and financial 
  institutions, private foundations, and secondary education.
       Sec. 3.  The White House Initiative on Historically 
  Black Colleges and Universities, housed in the Department of 
  Education, shall:  (1) provide the staff, resources, and 
  assistance for the Board of Advisors; (2) assist the Secretary 
  in the role of liaison between the executive branch and 
  historically Black colleges and universities; and (3) serve the 
  Secretary in carrying out his responsibilities under this order.
       Sec. 4.  To carry out the purposes of this order, each 
  executive department and each agency designated by the Secretary 
  shall, consistent with applicable law, enter into appropriate 
  grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements with historically 
  Black colleges and universities.  The head of each agency 
  subject to this order shall establish an annual goal for the 
  amount of funds to be awarded in grants, contracts, or 
  cooperative agreements to historically Black colleges and 
  universities.  Consistent with the funds available to the 
  agency, the goal shall be an amount above the actual amount 
  of such awards from the previous fiscal year and shall 
  represent a substantial effort to increase the amounts available 
  to historically Black colleges and universities for grants, 
  contracts, or cooperative agreements.  In order to facilitate 
  the attainment of the goals established by this section, the 
  head of each agency subject to this order shall provide 
  technical assistance and information to historically Black 
  colleges and universities regarding the program activities of 
  the agency and the preparation of applications or proposals for 
  grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements.
       Sec. 5.  Each executive department and designated agency 
  shall appoint a senior official, who is a full-time officer of 
  the Federal Government and who is responsible for management or 
  program administration, to report directly to the department or 
  agency head or designated agency representative on department or 
  agency activity under this order and to serve as liaison to the 
  Board and White House Initiative.  To the extent permitted by 
  law and regulation, each executive department and designated 
  agency shall provide appropriate information requested by the 
  Board and the White House Initiative staff pursuant to this 
       Sec. 6.  Each executive department and designated agency 
  shall develop an annual plan for, and shall document, the 
  agency's effort to increase the ability of historically Black 
  colleges and universities to participate in federally sponsored 
  programs.  These plans shall describe the measurable objectives 
  for proposed agency actions to fulfill this order and shall be 
  submitted at such time and in such form as the Secretary shall 
  designate.  In consultation with participating agencies, the 
  Secretary shall review these plans and develop, with the advice 
  of the Board of Advisors, an integrated Annual Federal Plan for 
  Assistance to Historically Black Colleges and Universities for 
  consideration by the President.  The Secretary shall ensure that 
  each president of a historically Black college or university is 
  given the opportunity to comment on the proposed Annual Federal 
  Plan prior to consideration by the President.  Each 
  participating agency shall submit to the Secretary and the 
  Director of the Office of Management and Budget, an Annual 
  Performance Report that shall measure each agency's performance 
  against the objectives set forth in its annual plan.  The 
  Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall be 
  responsible for overseeing compliance with the Annual Federal 
       Sec. 7.  Each year the Board of Advisors shall report to 
  the President on the progress achieved in enhancing the role and 
  capabilities of historically Black colleges and universities, 
  including findings and recommendations on the Annual Performance 
  Reports, described in Section 6, submitted by the participating 
  agencies.  The Secretary shall disseminate the annual report to 
  appropriate members of the executive branch and make every 
  effort to ensure that findings of the Board of Advisors are 
  taken into account in the policies and actions of every 
  executive agency.
       Sec. 8.  The Department of Education, along with other 
  Federal departments or agencies, shall work to encourage the 
  private sector to assist historically Black colleges and 
  universities through increased use of such devices and 
  activities as:  (1) private sector matching funds to support 
  increased endowments; (2) private sector task forces for 
  institutions in need of assistance; and (3) private sector 
  expertise to facilitate the development of more effective ways 
  to manage finances, improve information management, strengthen 
  facilities, and improve course offerings.  These steps will be 
  taken with the goals of enhancing the career prospects of 
  graduates of historically Black colleges and universities and 
  increasing the number of such graduates with degrees in science 
  and technology.
       Sec. 9.  In all its recommendations, the Board of Advisors 
  shall emphasize ways to support the long-term development plans 
  of each historically Black college and university.  The Board of 
  Advisors shall recommend alternative sources of faculty talent, 
  particularly in the fields of science and technology, including 
  faculty exchanges and referrals from other institutions of 
  higher education, private sector retirees, Federal employees and 
  retirees, and emeritus faculty members at other institutions of 
  higher education.
       Sec. 10.  The Board of Advisors, through the White House 
  Initiative, shall provide advice on how historically Black 
  colleges and universities can achieve greater financial 
  security.  To the maximum extent possible, the Board of Advisors 
  shall consider how such institutions can enlist the resources 
  and experience of the private sector to achieve such security. 
       Sec. 11.  The Director of the Office of Personnel 
  Management, in consultation with the Secretary and the Secretary 
  of Labor, shall develop a program to improve recruitment and 
  participation of graduates and undergraduate students of 
  historically Black colleges and universities in part-time, 
  summer and permanent positions in the Federal Government.
       Sec. 12.  Administration:  (a)  Members of the Board of 
  Advisors shall serve without compensation, but shall be allowed 
  travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as 
  authorized by law for persons serving intermittently in the 
  Government service, (5 U.S.C. 5701-5707).  
       (b)  The Board of Advisors and the White House Initiative 
  shall obtain funding for their activities from the Department 
  of Education.  
       (c)  The Department of Education shall provide such 
  administrative services for the Board as may be required.
       Sec. 13.  Executive Order No. 12677 of April 28, 1989, 
  is hereby revoked.
                             WILLIAM J. CLINTON
                             THE WHITE HOUSE,
                             November 1, 1993.
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